Chapter 1

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  Hi, I know it is kinda cringe, but if your reading this tell me what you think in the comments good or bad! Thanks for reading!

 I walked the long, scuffed-up hallways of Derby County High School alone. The halls were filled with my fellow classmates, though none of them seemed to be my mate. Ever since preschool I'd been a loner, the only thing that kept me sane was my drawing. It has always been my dream to go to Maxington School of the Fine Arts(MSFA) but that is all it will ever be, a dream. Since my father died 3 years ago, it has been hard for Mom to keep food on the table.

When I came up before room 210 I put my black hood over my ducked head, and sneaked to the back of the classroom, sliding into one of the desks in the dull gray classroom, hoping to draw as little attention to myself as possible.

"All alone in the back of the classroom again," says Mika Wellington as she flips her long silky brownish red hair over her shoulder. She is that girl, the popular girl that is only popular because she drags people down to get on top. "Well it's no wonder looking like that. I wouldn't even bother showing my face."

"Well I'm so sorry I don't meet your standards," I retort through gritted teeth. Mika and her friends finally stop giggling, but that doesn't stop her from giving a look that would kill if it could. I am surprised I have not gotten used to it by now. Every single day Mika and her evil friends make fun of me, then I have to sit through the rest of the class mortified from what feels like ten thousand eyes staring daggers at me.

After what feels like 10 days class finally ends and luckily it is the last class of the day. I shove my beat-up notebook and pencil into my black Jan-sport backpack. I slide out of the desk and start walking out the door when someone starts walking next to me, I turn my head slightly to the left to see Jack Bradford walking the same pace beside me. "My gosh, can you please just give me a break! I think your girlfriend embarrassed me enough today, or are you just too stuck up your own ass to see that." I say rolling my eyes.

"No, actually I was going to came and say that what Mi said was a little harsh, but clearly I should have just left you alone." Jack replied, shaking his head and walking off with a huff. I open my mouth to say something but I can't think of anything to say so I shut my mouth and continue to walk down the hall to the doors that go outside, and walk the four blocks it takes to get back to my small 2 bedroom brick house.

"How was your day at school, Ez?" My mom asked. Looking up from folding laundry on the worn out, stained, brown couch. My real name is Ezra Kay Ledger, but everyone calls me Ez. I don't know why my mom had choose such a weird name like Ezra, but I kinda like having a different name.

"Good," I say, shutting the door, even though it was, as always horribly embarrassing, but I can't tell her that. She does not need anymore stress, since Daddy passed away a few years back and my mom struggled to even keep the lights over me and my little sister, Amy's head. So I told her it was good, as always.

Amy, my sister, has always had more friends than me, but of course that was easy to do because I have no friends. I mean I am not surprised, she looks like mom with her long brown hair, bright blue eyes, and smile so bright it could change anyone's day around on a penny. It is impossible not to love her. I, on the other hand I look like Dad with tan skin, sharp jaw and cheek bones, with black hair so black it looks blue. I do have the same eyes as her and my mom but I don't think they will, or could ever shine as bright.

When my dad passed away my mom was a stay at home mom, she cooked and cleaned and basically had her life on pause for my dad. Don't get me wrong I loved my dad, but I always hated that, she had a bachelors degree in business and yet she was at home taking care of Amy and me, while dad tried to work all day then went to the bar at night. Now mom works as a waitress in The Hop. The Hop was the most popular place in town and it is owned by Michel Bradford.

Mr. Bradford is a rich man, and he likes it that way. He never talks to anyone who doesn't make six figures, and quite frankly he was stuck up, along with his son Jack. You know the one from school that I just totally embarrassed myself in front of. I babysit his daughter Jade though, and I have been since I was a freshman, and I am a junior now.

Once I set my backpack down on my gray patched up comforter that covers up my twin bed, I changed into a more comfortable outfit of black tights and a tie dye shirt and put my white grass stained converse back on, and headed to the Bradford mansion.

The Bradford house had three stories and it was made of dark bricks. I walked up to the front door and Jade was waiting there as always, her brother picks her up from school and drives her home so I can get changed but then he usually goes to practice or some other place with his friends.

"Hey Jade," I said bending down and wrapping my arms around her, hugging her tight. Jade is only in 3rd grade so babysitting her is always interesting, but I love her. I mean I am the closest thing she has to a mom. Since her parents divorce, the kids only live with their dad because their mother ran off with some young model. For weeks I would spend the night hear to make sure Jade could get at least a little bit of sleep. Jade was devastated, she cried and cried. Her dad tried to help but it did not do much good. Jack however was just mad, he stayed in his room and didn't talk to anyone, except his dad when they were arguing.

"Ez, let's go play Barbie's," she burst, saying it so loud it is as if she has not played in years. She loves to play barbies. It is her favorite game along with house. Well it really just depends on the day.

"Ok, but don't you want to get a snack first?" I asked because if we don't get a snack for her as soon as we start to play, about 10 minutes into our game and she will get hungry, then we will stop our game and come down stairs to get something to eat.

"Sure, can I have a peanut butter sandwich without crust?" She said happily as she skips into the kitchen.

"Of course!" I answered, following suit.

"You're so, so pretty!" Jade said with a bite of her sandwich in her mouth. I never thought I was pretty, I did not wear nice clothes, or any makeup besides mascara.

"Thank you, but I think you're way prettier!" I countered leaning over the other side of the island facing her. And it's true, she has beautiful blonde hair that was almost white and a year round tan. She has a bubbly personality, but she is hard headed enough to let anyone talk bad about her.

After Jade is done eating we start to head up the stairs, Jack starts walking down the hall with his red Nike basketball bag.

"Bye Jade." he yells to Jade who is already at the top of the stairs.

She crouches down and looks down the staircase and yells back, "Bye J!"

"See you later Ezra" he says quickly heading out the door.

"Wait!" I say stupidly without thinking. "Jade you go get the Barbies out and I will be there in just a minute." I say looking up at her. She nods and heads to her room down the long hallway. I walk down the few stairs I actually got up and stand at the bottom step, with my hand resting on the stair rail. "I'm sorry, about earlier today," I say looking down at my neon green socks. "It wasn't fair and I should have just let you talk instead of getting mad," I confess looking back at Jack.

"I," he takes a deep breath, "I mean I get it, I know that what Mi does is wrong, but she only does it because she is insecure and gets jealous of you sometimes." He says leaning against the door. I have to bite my lip not to laugh.

"Why in the hell would she be jealous of me, look at me," I says motioning to myself.

"I am going to be late," Jacks replies, breathing in and walking out the door quickly after he looks me up and down..

"Great, two for O in embarrassing conversations with Jack. It's a new high score." I mutter to myself as I walk up the stairs to Jade's room. 

Ezra MayWhere stories live. Discover now