Chapter 3

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"Well you have to be the baby, so I can be the mama," Jade says as we walk up the stairs up to her playroom, after I make her the regular peanut butter sandwich. She decided she wanted to play house.

"Okay, well what is my name going to be?" I ask her as we walk across the balcony that looks out onto the living room, where is a huge, gray sectional. Her room is at end of the hallway, along with her big pink playroom, and bathroom.

"How about Lulu?" she says, looking at me with wide blue eyes, and a pearly white smile. We both plop down on the white leather couch.

"Ok!," I say as my phone beeps. I pull it out of my pocket and look at who texted me. It was Victoria, my heart skips a beat, as I unlock my phone to see that she asked if I wanted to meet up at the Berry Cafe, which is probably my favorite place on earth, so of course I agree and say we can meet up after I get off work.

"Who was that, you never get texts?" Jade says matter of factly. I lift my hands up to my chest like she just hit me, and we both giggle.

"It was my friend Victoria." I tell her

"Oh, ok. Hey honey what do you want for dinner," Jade says, talking in what she calls her mom voice.

I pull open the wooden door to the Berry Cafe, and look to see if Vic is there yet. She isn't so I decide to go get a hot chocolate and sit down at one of the empty tables.

As I take my first sip of the smooth, rich hot chocolate the bell on the door chimes and I see that Victoria just walked in, I wave to her, and she starts walking towards me with a smile. "Hey, Ez! I am gonna go grab hot chocolate, and I'll be right back." She says as she sits her brown leather purse down across her chair, she is wearing a brown and white cardigan and dark jeans with rips in the knees.

"Okay," I say before taking another sip of hot chocolate.

She walks over to the brunette barista, and gets her hot chocolate quickly before coming back and sitting in her chair again. I sit my drink down, beside my notebook.

Vic looks at my notebook and tilts her head toward it as she says, "What's that?" I feel by cheeks blushing of embarrassment.

"Oh that, it's just my drawing notebook." I say waving her off.

"What! I didn't know you were an artist, why didn't you tell me?" Victoria says as she grabs my notebook and opens it before I can stop her.

"It's just a hobby, and a silly dream." I say trying to keep the blush from getting worse.

"Ezra, it's not a silly dream. You're amazing! Why haven't you told anyone?" She flips through the pages, with a huge smile.

"It is, nobody cares what a girl from a small town draws, and besides even if I tried to make a career out of it, I don't have the money to go to college."

"Ez, you could get a scholarship from any college with these, and I think I know the perfect ways to get you noticed." She looks up at me from my notebook with green eyes and I can see the gears turning in her head. "What if you made an Instagram page, and you showed off your work you might even be able to sell some if you wanted too!"

"No-" I try saying before Vic cuts me off.

"Why not. It will be so good for your work, I will help you make it right now" I mean, I guess it could be good but what if people don't like it, then drawing might not be the same for me. No, sometimes you just need to go for it, you can never achieve your dream if you never try.

"Okay, will you help me set it up." I say smiling and handing my phone to Vic. We set up the account and Vic helps me take a couple of pictures for my page.

"So, Mika is having a party this weekend and I was wondering if you would want to come, and maybe have a sleepover?" Vic asks me as she takes a sip from her hot chocolate.

"Umm, sure." I say hesitantly.

"I promise it will be fun, when Mi has friends over she is so occupied shaking her ass, to be mean to people." Vic says smiling. I spit out my hot chocolate then we both double over laughing.

Ezra MayWhere stories live. Discover now