Chapter 7

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Jade and I walk up the stairs to her playroom after I cleaned up where she had been eating her peanut butter sandwich. I am wearing a red Coca Cola sweatshirt and some black jeans; I don't usually wear the same clothes to babysit as the ones that I wear to school, but after Adryan is picking me up and we are going to go for a drive then we are going to go and get something to eat.

Adryan was only going to be in town for another three days, but he was able to stay because his parents said he could finish out the school year here and just live with his grandparents. I am really happy about it because we won't have to do long distance for a while, but I am also nervous. I mean at his old school he said that he had become popular, and what if he starts to hang out with the other popular kids at school. You know the ones that I hate, and hate me right back. I know that the last time he was here he did not care enough about being popular to ditch me for them, but he has been different ever since he moved, and I don't know if I will be able to handle breaking up with him again.

Things had been so good since he came back besides how he avoids talking about how he cheated on me. We go out almost every night, and when we don't we usually will just hang out at his house.

When we get up the stairs I quickly use the restroom that is connected to Jade's playroom, then we start playing at a restaurant where Jade is the chef and I am the customer. "Okay Miss, what can I get you to eat today," Jade says while she gets out a pen and notebook from her apron.

"I would like a pizza please," I say looking up at her and pretending to drink out of the cup. She jots down some scribbles, one the little pink notebook.

"Do you want a whole one, because they are really big and I think that if you try to eat a whole pizza you might get fat." She says matter of factly and it is all I can do not to start laughing right there.

"Well, I don't think one pizza will make me fat, but I might get too full to eat a whole one, so I'll just have one slice." I reply back to her and she goes back to her pink, white, and gold play kitchen.

After Jack gets back home I leave Jade in her playroom and go downstairs to find him. I walk past the living room and the dinning room and I can't find him, so head back upstairs and go back to his room to see if he is there. "Hey Jack are you in there? I need to talk to you, before I leave." I say as I knock on his white door.

"Yeah just come on in." He yells, so I open the door and find him lying on his bed without a shirt on.

"Holy, crap," I say before I can stop myself, gawking at his tanned abs that look like they are from one of those smoking hot TV guys. I am instantly blushing of embarrassment and Jack is just laughing like it is the funniest thing in the world. Why did you say that, are you an idiot! Yelling at myself internally, I walk over to the edge of his bed, and put my hand on the dark walnut stained bed frame. "Well I was going to ask you if I could get off of work early tomorrow, Adryan and I were going to go to a movie and it starts early." I look down at the plaid blue comforter. This is an odd question for me to ask because I barely ever take time off of work, if I did then I would not make as much money, and I could not help mom with the bills very well.

"Oh, uh yeah I guess you could." he says looking a little disappointed, but I don't know what he has to be disappointed at. "Hey before you leave, can we talk about the other night?"

He looks right into my eyes and I want to look away but I can bring myself to.

"I really don't think that a good idea. I mean there isn't much to talk about. It was just a game." I say as I turn and start to walk out of the room. I don't get five feet before I feel Jack grab my hand and twirl me around so that we are face to face, and staring right into each others eyes, and before I can even start to walk away, he put his hands on my cheeks and starts to kiss me.

His kiss is not soft like it started the other night. It is deep and needy. Again I get a small taste of mint. I don't know why. I wish I didn't, but I can't help but lean into him. I can't keep myself from kissing him back.

"Maybe it started as a game, but there is no way it ended a game, and I can't get you out of my head, so please can we just talk about it." He says with one hand still to my cheek. His breaths coming faster and falling against my lips. I am so surprised that I can't do anything for a second and he backs away from me, looking just as surprised as I feel that he just said that.

Suddenly I can't think of anything other than him and him kissing me. Every time that I shoved the thought of him deep down, comes up like a tsunami, so I walk right back up to him kiss him back, soft and light at first, but then it turns desperate and fast.

He brings his hand to the back of my neck, like he was doing and the party and I reach up and put my hands to his cheeks. I am filled with warmth, fear, and desire, all at the same time. I pull back. I look in to his eyes for a second and run out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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