it's over

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I've waited for so long
Been hoping for so long
And today i realised
It's over

It's been over for months now
And i didn't know about it
You, you never dared to tell me
Perhaps you didn't know either

But i wonder if i'll ever see you again
Now that words can't be told
With the soft tune of your voice,
That i can't hear anymore

And i miss you
But i'm the one who left
Although with tears in my eyes
I just wanted to be fine again

I'm struggling to find something
To fill my heart with
Wanting to run away from you
While constantly looking back

But what despairs me the most
Is that i'm the only one drowning
In this meaningless story
Well maybe i'm the only one existing

People are slowly coming into my life
I'm starting to forget my feelings
But will i ever be able
To stop thinking of you

I should hang out with them
Try to make healthy relationships
But i'm afraid to hurt them
If i'm still thinking of a dead love

Because i can't forget you
I can forget your voice, your words
Maybe your smile
But never would i forget you

Because you made me feel like
The happiest person on earth
Several times, i swear
And it was breathtaking

You're a great part of my life
And i'm sorry you never really
Wanted things to be that way
I'm making a story with you on my own

And it's fucking weird
I'm sorry
For you and me
I promise i'm trying
To let you go
I know anyways
That everything's hopeless
And that these days
Are over.

- 06/03/21 -

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