[Flora and Fauna]-Xiao

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Multiflora roses are a very interesting type of flower. Their opaque color stands out from the leaves that they grow in. They're decorated with thorny stems and a yellow pistil. These flora at first glance, look like a very simple flower with no depth at all. Without looking closer, you would never know the number of layers and colors that lie underneath them.

Currently, you found yourself in a predicament. you were running from a hoard of fatui skirmishers. Your stamina was depleting and you didn't have your catalyst on your person. You were quite the weak link in your party. Not able to pursue hand-to-hand combat and relying on your weapon for all your strength rendering you useless without it.

"She's slowing down!" You heard the group of fatui's laughter fill your ears. your heart dropped into your stomach. terrified, you tripped and fell to the ground.

You were starting to panic, your brain was running through any options to get out of this situation. Without a thought in your mind, you hesitantly yelled your dear friend's name.


Suddenly a turquoise gust of wind swirled around you and the familiar Adeptus appeared in front of you with an irritated expression adorning his face. He turned around to face the group of fatui skirmishers.

"Picking on someone far weaker than you is absolutely distasteful. Mortals like you should be eradicated from Liyue." Xiao summoned his weapon and swiftly disposed of the enemies that dared to lay hand on you.

"Always getting into these situations. What am I going to do with you, mortal?" Your face flushed with embarrassment, feeling like a burden to the Adeptus. You've known him for a couple of months now, you didn't want to feel useless to him. He was a very important person in your life. You cared for him deeply and you were easily flustered by him.

Xiao could literally take a bite of his favorite almond tofu dish and still look ethereal while doing it. His messy haircut made him all the more attractive. The Adeptus had deep golden eyes that always captivated you. Often, he had caught you ogling at him during your meetings.

"I'm sorry.." You tilted your head down feeling like a complete idiot. You clenched your fists angry at yourself.

A sigh filled your ears and you felt yourself being picked up from off the ground.

"Xiao?!" Your heart picked up in speed for the second time today. Overtime you had developed a love for your friend. You adored and looked up to him.

"What?" an irk mark decorated Xiao's forehead. Being this close to his face, you were reminded of his certain scent. He smelt similar to nature and a sweet breeze wind.

"ah n-nothing"

A turquoise mixed with black aura swirled around you and Xiao. Before you could even blink, you appeared in Wangshu inn's infirmary. A sigh left your lips. You'll never get used to this form of travel for as long as you're with him.

You were set down on a chair and you watched as Xiao searched through drawers. He pulled out a box of bandaids and some rubbing alcohol. You quickly put your attention on the oh-so-interesting wall when he made eye contact with you.

You felt his hands softly hold your calf. He had poured rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and was treating your leg wound. The pain from the rubbing alcohol was seen on your face as you squeezed your eyes shut. This doesn't go unnoticed by Xiao as he quickly placed his lips upon the wound, initially giving your leg a kiss.

Your face flushed when you saw this action. You were reduced to a babbling mess.

"Wh-what are you doing?" The Adeptus ignored you and continued on with treating your wound. He grabbed a bandaid from the box and pulled the plastic off the adhesive with his teeth. Softly, he put the bandaid on your wound and bringing his eyes up to meet yours.

"Are you alright?" Still winded from the affection beforehand you nodded your head viciously. You were like putty in his hands.

You never expected these actions from Xiao. He was usually reserved and not use to physical contact. You were happy to have peeled back a layer to his personality. You were excited to find out more about him.

Xiao softly smiled. Currently, he seemed so vulnerable. It was like seeing a new side to him.

"That's good. Be careful. Don't go getting yourself in these situations. I worry for your health, love."

Similar to your favorite flower, Xiao at first interaction had a very stand-offish personality, but slowly you'll come to know the quiet, soft, and affectionate Adeptus that stood before you.


[Thank you for reading! request box]

[authors note]- Aaa Xiao was a little soft and out of character! sorry for any grammar mistakes!


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