[Chocolate Chips] - Childe

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"What are you doing?" The sound of laughter from your lover flooded your ears. He was gasping between his sentences for air.

"Uh..." You felt a bead of sweat slide down the side of your face as you looked at Childe who was holding his stomach.

Currently, you stood in the middle of your shared kitchen in a complete mess. Cookie dough and batter littered the floor and counter. The unopened chocolate chip bag sat in the middle of the baking disaster. It was covered in flour.

Embarrassment showed. On your cheeks, as you tried to explain why your kitchen looks like a war zone.

"Childe! You're back early. Uh, you see... I was trying to.."

You were trying but failing at baking cookies. Your yearly anniversary was coming up, and you wanted to create something special to give to the ginger, the first thing that came to mind was cookies!

The scene was very amusing to Childe. After composing himself, he waltzed over to you and swiped his finger on your cookie dough-covered nose.

"Do you not know how to cook one of the easiest pastries? The instructions are on the box." He held the red packaging up to your face, showing you the step-to-step directions while struggling not to laugh at you.

"Let me help, baking is one of the things I excel at! Other than conflict of course." There was a smirk prominent on Childe's face as he quickly cleaned the counter and washed his hands.

Childe was a very colorful figure-on the outside at least. He was very boisterous a full of energy. He was quite the tease, finding all sorts of ways to poke fun at you. Surprisingly, Childe was very responsible and able to take care of himself. He was like a housewife.

When he told you that he was a fatui harbinger, you were taken aback. You wouldn't put it past him to take up a job like that but it was still surprising. You always wondered what his line of work was, but you didn't dig deep into it.

After learning about the reasons why he joined the fatui, you no longer stuck your nose into his work life.

"Hello? Y/n?" You snapped out of your daze and made eye contact with him. He smiled at you and cracked his knuckles, ready to take on the cookie recipe. You straightened your posture nervously awaiting his next move.

You both started on your own batches of cookies. Following the directions of the box, you put a cup of softened butter, a cup of white sugar, and two eggs into a large mixing bowl. You grabbed a wooden spoon and started mixing. You looked over to Childe and saw he was almost done with the recipe.

You picked up the pace not wanting to be left behind. Slowly, the two of you baking together started turning into a competition of who could finish earlier. 

An ungodly gasp erupted from Childe as you snatched the vanilla extract out of his hands pouring two teaspoons into your own mix. 

"Betrayal." You heard from him, his voice laced with hurt. While fetching the baking soda from the pantry Childe put green food dye in your batter. 

"MY COOKIES-" Childe laughed but was soon cut off when white icing made contact with his face.



Childe's head craned to the side and faster than you could react, your face was met with your own green cookie batter. You didn't even get to bake them. You pulled your head out of the mixed bowl and turned towards Childe. He stuck a piece of chocolate on your forehead.

"Don't forget the chocolate chips!"

The rest of the day was filled with Childe yelling for his life while you chased him.


Thank you for reading! 

[Authors Note] - I rushed this! I'm really sorry about that.


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