Chapter 7

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I hate my life.

Today is the first day back at school. Everyone knew I was married to an older rich business man. Everyone knew everything about me. And that was something I hated... a lot.

All everyone did was stare at me every time I walked down the hallways or enter a classroom. Jade stood by me the entire time-except in class of course- she was practically my body guard. Any time anyone even looked at me kind of funny, she got into their face and told them to back off. She scared some poor new freshman who was simply trying to ask me where the restroom was.

I slammed my locker door closed, closed my eyes and took a calming deep breath. I had just finished my last class for the day and was getting ready to leave, when an all too familiar voice rang through the hallway, causing my slightly irritated mood to worsen.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't little Miss Rosie...or is it Misses now?"

I let out a tired sigh, before reluctantly turning around and coming face to face with Georgina. My once upon a time ex-best friend.

I pushed a lock of my hair that fell in the front of my face behind my ear, "What do you want, Georgina?" I grumbled, clearly not in the mood to talk right now.

Georgina just crossed her arms, and shook her head in faint sadness, "I'm so disappointed in you, Rosabella. Whatever happened to waiting 'til after college to get married? Until you had a great career?" Now Georgina was smirking slightly, "No, wait. Let me guess, the big rich billionaire accidentally knocked you up on some one night stand and had the guilty conscience of marrying you, right?"

I just glared at the pathetic girl standing in front of me. She didn't deserve the satisfaction of having me reply to her silliness. I wasn't bumping to her level.

I shook mt head slowly, before pulling my book bag over my shoulder and turning on my heel, walking down the hallway, leaving the wicked witch of the west to answer her own damn questions.

As I exited out the front doubled doors of the school I looked out and the first thing I see is a black limo waiting in the front with a man in a dark black suit holding a white sign with the name: Caro written on it. I rolled my eyes and walked down the steps towards the awaiting automobile.

All day today, I had to tell teachers that my last name had been legally changed to Caro, and all day teachers have asked me stupid questions that were really none of their business.

Why did you marry so young?

Did you marry for the money, honey? I don't blame you. I'm living off a teacher's salary.

Was the wedding beautiful?

Have you been to a doctor yet? I know a good clinic that I've been to quite a few times.

Is he even sexier in real life?

I never wanted to shoot myself so much in one day.

Yes, I'm a little violent. So what?

"Uhm, Hi...I'm Rosabella Aza- Caro." I corrected while introducing myself to the limo driver.

The older man smiled warmly my way, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Misses Caro. I'm Tim. I will be your driver. Mr. Lorenzo apologizes for not being able to join you this evening. He is attending an emergency meeting as we speak."

A frown made its way to my face as I thought over what Tim had said. Emergency meeting? Really? A feeling in the pit of my gut told me it wasn't an emergency meeting. And that worried me immensely.

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