Chapter 6

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I felt all eyes on our retreating forms as we left the reception hall and entered the limo, heading to my new home: The Caro Mansion.

It was just Lorenzo and I in the limo. His mother had Isabel and said that she would have Isabel for a couple says to give us "privacy".

It took everything in me not to scoff aloud. Lorenzo and I will not be doing any...funny business.

My hand retracted from his the moment my limo door was shut and everyone couldn't see us anymore because of the tinted windows. I laid my back in to the leather seat and rested my head back, feeling exhausted from the long and stressful day.

Catie and Carlo are now grounded for the next month and a half. Lorenzo looked so angry when he saw my younger siblings ruin our presents and cake, but luckily he didn't snap at the like I thought he would. Instead he just picked up Isabel and went to talk to his parents about the mess.

Supposedly Catie and Carlo were trying to low key open up a couple of our presents, but they were fighting over which presents to open and the started to push each other back and forth. Eventually Carlo pushed Catie too hard causing her to back in to the presents table and that leaned into the table holding the cake and the two tables went down with the kids beside looking like dominoes.

A lot of the guests left after the incident. Some were extremely angry since they had bought an expensive gift that was now ruined. One couple claimed to have only came for the cake.

I felt so loved....not.

The car was filled with an awkward silence. I can hear Lorenzo tapping with the tips of his fingers on door beside him. I cringed the louder and faster his tapping became and eventually became annoyed by his irritating noise.

"Lorenzo! Can you not?" He instantly stopped, then turned his head sideways to look at me, his eyes wide in shock and surprise by my outburst.

He ran a hand through his jet black hair and let out a tired sigh, "I apologize...I just want to go home and relax. This wedding has been...stressful enough as it is." he sighed again but this time in annoyance.

I frowned deeply, "I'm sorry about my siblings. They promised me they'd be on their best behaviour...I don't know why but ever since my father passed away they've just been acting up terribly."

Lorenzo nodded his head, "Yes, your siblings caused quite a scene this evening. But I wasn't talking about that." he shook his head, then he turned to look out the window, gazing at the fast passing scenery.

I wanted to get to know my new husband. I figured I'd start fishing for a way to converse with him. I mean, if I'm going to be stuck with this guy for the rest of my life, I guess I should start getting to know him better.

"Is it about Isabel? I thought your Mom was okay with watching her?"

Lorenzo turned back towards me. He hesitated before nodding his head in agreement. I pretended to not notice the hesitation.

"My Mom loves Isabel. She always wanted a girl in the family to dress up and do girly things with. She would never admit it, but I know she was slightly disappointed when she found out she was having two boys and no girls at all." he smiled slightly and I found the corner of my lips do the same, "It's more about Isabel. She loves my mother, but she doesn't do so well being away from me too long. I'll most likely get a call in the middle of the night to have to go pick her up because she can't stay over night with my Mother."

A sudden wave of sadness washed over me as I thought of the young toddler I had quickly grown fond of crying in the middle of the night for her Daddy. I wondered about her mother. Why wasn't she in the picture? Was Lorenzo married before? I wanted the answers but I was afraid to ask the questions to them.

"Why is that?" I asked, thinking it'd be a simply answer to my simply question.

He frowned deeply, and placed his finger in his lap and interlaced them together. He looked down, and stared at them, "Because she's used to sleeping in my bed every night. She can't sleep alone." he answers, and by the tone of his voice, it was the end of discussion for that.

But, with my stupidness, I couldn't help but ask, "Are...are we sharing a bed?" I ask almost hesitantly.

"Of course." he says simply as he raises his head back up again in an obvious tone.

I was about to ask about Isabel then, but I saw from the corner of my eye out the window that were were pulling up to the gates of the mansion.

Here we go...

One of his butlers took my bags and put them up in our room. I never shared a bed with a boy before, and now I have to share one with a man I hardly know.

I found myself sitting down on the large black, very expensive looking, sofa in the large living room. The lights were dimmed and I was staring at the lit fire place, deep in thought.

Footsteps sounded behind me and I knew it was Lorenzo. He came in to my view as he walked around the couch and sat beside me, a small glass in his hand. It looked like it was filled with hard liquor, but I couldn't tell what kind. I hated being young and way too inexperienced.

"Where were you?" I mumbled, curious as to know where he had been the last hour and a half.

"I had some work I had to catch up on." he mumbled back before tilting his head and downing the whole thing in one gulp. He looked oddly stressed out and very angry.

"Work? You got married today...and you're working?" I asked in disbelief.

Lorenzo simply sighed before rubbing his temples tiredly, "My line of work is a twenty-four-seven type job, Rosabella. You'll get used to it." he shrugged it off like it was no big deal.

I was astounded by this. My brother and brother-in-law are business men as well, but they're not even as busy as that. They make time for their family and don't get crazy caught up in their work.

I opened my mouth to speak, but was caught off by the sound of a ringing coming from his pants. He quickly grabbed the cell phone out of his front pocket, checked the caller I.D. then answered it quickly pressing it against his ear.

"What?" he snapped into the phone. I was taken back by his rudeness and forcefulness as well.

There was a silent moment and I saw his facial expression turn from one of stress to one of complete outrage, "You, Idiot! Why can't you follow directions correctly? You better not have fucked this up, Orlando." He quickly got off the couch and started walking out of the living room and down the hall. I still heard his shouting all the way until a loud slam was heard to where his study was, I believe.

All I know, is that I had never been more terrified in my life.

(A/N: please don't forget to comment and vote. And it would mean a lot to me if you checked out my other story Married to Him)

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