Chapter 2: Intro to Philosophy

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I trudged through the hall while the aroma of alfredo sauce began to burn itself into my nostrils.  I walked until I stopped in front of my room "2103". I pulled out my student card and laid it against the black box that sat next to the door.

Beep, followed by a distinctive clicking sound of the lock.

I kicked open the door to find Bella sitting at her desk. The stench of stir fry and tomato soup slammed my nose. She spun in her chair while shoving another spoon of tomato soup down her gullet, "Well give me the tea."

I informed her of all that happened while changing into my sleepwear that contains only a yellow t-shirt and navy colored shorts. I included a couple parts at the end of how hungry I was and how upset I was that I smelled like a pasta bar. The idea of missing class didn't bother me anymore. This time my professor would have an excuse.

All I had laying around was some bread, peanut butter, and a bag of Tostitos.  I grabbed the bag and sat down at my desk.

"So 'Dimitri' is this hot stranger's name. And your being shipped by a janitor." She said stifling a laugh.

"No it's not even a ship anymore, he looked me in the eyes and said 'I think he likes you.'" I angrily shoved another chip in my mouth, "And then he called me 'one of those.' Like what does that even mean? Of course I'm one of those but why the hell did he have to say it like that."

"Well maybe he felt like he was taking a shot in the dark." She answered while taking another spin in her chair.

"Obviously." I said while rolling my eyes and biting down on another chip.

My phone buzzed in my shorts pocket, '9:30 pm, (Reminder: Philosophy Begins March 13)', "Oh, fuck, I forgot."

"About your class?" She questioned.

"No about my philosophy class."

"Oh yeah! That's gonna be fun!"  She giggled.

"Ha ha, you're hilarious." I rolled my eyes.

"You worry to much it's still like 5 days away, do you have any homework due?"

"No, thank god." I said staring at my calendar.

"Good then time for bed." As she got up out of her chair and climbed the end of her bunkbed like a ladder, "You're the last one up, can you be a dear and turn the light off."

I smiled as I got up from my chair, "I hope you roll out of bed one of these nights."


The vibration of my Monday morning 9:00 am alarm rattled my pillow. Having the same phone alarm blare in your ear for years triggered some deep down gut wrenching feeling.  My mind fully awake but my body still struggling to catch up, my hand had a mind of it's own.  Grabbing my phone and instinctively turning the alarm off. I reeled my hand back under the safety of my homemade quilt, just barely big enough to cover my body. My eyes still closed, my mind slowly looses its grip.

Only to be interjected by the thought of being late for class. On this note I sit straight up while trying to open my eyes. My left eye pops open just barely enough to see my surroundings.  I rub my eyes before throwing my hands up for a long and intense stretch.  I look over to see Bella shifting under her white comforter surrounded by her pink pillows.

I look around the room to take everything in. Light just barely peeking through the crack of the blinds and a sliver of sunshine falls long on the floor. The door sits perfectly in the middle of the front wall, on the back wall sits a big open window of solid glass with no way to open it. It sits deep in a counter-top like window sill, layered with succulents of any type. Under the window sits a small table that holds our make-shift coffee bar.  A small black Keurig, some coffee syrups, a big Aloe plant, and a couple loose items.  A small white mesh table that had some extra bags of coffee and hot cocoas.

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