Couple Shorts: New Side

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"She was being so stupid," Keket grumbled in irritation, aggressively folding the blanket of the large bed sitting the corner of the room she stood in. "I swear I considered taking the tomato in her hand and making her shove it down her own throat," the Cancer grumbled, pulling at the sheets as her husband stepped out from the bathroom.

Odion chuckled, his hands working to tighten the belt holding his loose brown pants. "You're very quick to resort to violence, do you know that?" He pointed out as the girl looked toward him, her eyes sliding down his bare chest in admiration. Light scars still decorated his skin from when the Pisces used to work in construction during the times of the lashing that Chione had put to a stop.

Dropping her head to the side, Keket narrowed her eyes at the boy. "The only reason we're standing here is because the Zodiacs resorted to violence," she snapped a finger, finally finished fixing the bed that sat between both of their dressers. A tall mirror standing in the corner of the room just next to the open exit that led to her fig plantation. Just outside of the room, stretched the living room and kitchen they had both decorated with a blend of their styles.

Odion shrugged in acknowledgement, walking toward the shirt folded on the dresser. He didn't notice the girl approaching behind him, her eyes sliding down his body as she lightly nibbled on her fingernail.

"Yes, but we've already won," he'd begun to reach for the second half of his outfit when Keket's hands slipped to either side of his toned waist. A light smirk began to tug on his lips as the Pisces let the shirt fall back onto the carved wooden dresser. He turned to face his wife. "There's no more reason to be so aggressive about everything," his hands slid over his to settle on either of her shoulders.

Keket cocked her head to the side with a casual eye roll at the topic, still hating the lady she'd run into on her way home yesterday. The topic was no longer one she wanted to linger on because the half-undressed man in front of her was making it difficult to think about anything else. "But it's okay to be aggressive sometimes," she said suggestively.

"Look," he turned his hand over to show her an image he'd drawn last night while the girl slept. Keket moved back when the paper came in the way of her attempts to advance on the boy and she frowned, looking over at the drawing he displayed. It was in image of a shrimp-like creature with black, beady eyes and an oversized head that connected to the rest of the creature with a deformed neck. It seemed almost like a disfigured rectangle.

She grimaced in disgust, pointing at the pencil-drawn art the boy proudly displayed in front of her. "Ew," she looked up at him, not even attempting to mask the dislike she had for the unappetizing picture. "What is that?" Keket asked.

"It's a fetus," Odion smiled excitedly, making her furrow her eyebrows even more. "One that has been growing for nearly two months; just like the one in your stomach... ours," he beamed.

But the happiness brightening the boy's features didn't mirror itself on Keket's face as she gasped, taking a step back when her hands flew to her abdomen. "No!" She wheezed, already feeling the familiar burning beginning to climb up her throat. Keket despised throwing up, but she'd grown used to it after the past few weeks. "That thing is growing inside of me?" She exclaimed.

Odion nodded ecstatically, his eyes darting over his wife's morphing expression. "It's ugly, isn't it?" He grinned.

"I think I'm going to...," Keket's hand flew to her mouth before she quickly shoved Odion out of the way, racing into the bathroom as the disgusting acid flooded her mouth. She dropped onto her knees and let it spill out into the toilet, retching and tensing as her body attempted to force that morning's breakfast out at the unpleasant sight. Part of her was disgusted, while the other was terrified at the hideous being beginning to grow in her uterus. "That's nasty," she heaved.

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