Chapter 3- First death(s)

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Okay so there was a tie and to decide who'll die, I spun a wheel. General Galeforce was chosen and I got video proof

Alright, here's the chapter

Right Hand Man Pov

The lights were out and everyone was panicking.  After a few minutes had passed the lights had turned on again and everything seemed to be normal. "Did anything happen?" HolTheFakUp questioned. "Oh my. It appears that two have died. Ellie died from mysterious circumstances and General Galeforce from the murderer. They were drowned in a toilet." The speaker said. "No! This isn't true!" Henry shouted. "You don't believe me? Here's some proof." We all got teleported to a room in the mansion and we see Ellie on the floor. Covered in blood with a knife through her chest. Henry fell to his knees, his hands covering his face, sobbing. Charles came to him, giving him a hug. "It's okay Henry... We'll find this murderer." Charles said. "Ellie... she's gone..." Henry choked out. "What a shame. I guess Henry can't handle the pain." The speaker said. "Do you have no remorse! A person has DIED and YOU don't even care!" Thomas shouted. "Well I'm not the one who is murdering people. I'm just the host. Anyways, here's a look at Galeforce." We all teleport to another room and we see Galeforce, drowned in a toilet. "Why..? Why are you doing this to us...?" Charles said with tears in his eyes. "Well... you see... I've always wanted to see people die. Ever since my parents died right in front of me, I've always liked to see people suffer on their last breath. I didn't want to kill people but, just seeing the pain in their eyes, knowing they'll be dead, just brings me joy." "You're a monster!" I shouted. "Me? A monster? No. I'm no monster if other people are doing the killing. I just sit here, next to the speaker, ready to speak when people die or who gets voted out." "What do you mean by "who gets voted out"?" Mr. Doodle questioned. "Oh, I didn't explain that? Silly me. Well you see, after the people have died, the people who are still alive will vote out someone. Be careful though, you don't want to vote out the wrong person or people... Anyways, it's time to vote out someone. You'll get handed a piece of paper along with a pencil where you'll write the name of a person who you want to be voted out. Put the piece of paper into the box that will be on the couch. Person with the majority votes will be voted out. Good luck!" Everyone gets a piece of paper and a pencil and everyone starts to write on the paper. 'Hmm... Who should I vote for?' After a while of thinking I wrote on the paper with the name, Unknown Writer on it. She gives me some weird vibes. Her and that other boy, Mr. Doodle was his name I think, are always together and I don't really trust them. I walked over to the couch and put the piece of paper into the box and walked back.

After a few minutes had passed the speaker spoke up and said, "Alright, voting time is done. I'll count the votes and whoever has the most votes will be eliminated from the game." Then the box disappeared.

A few minutes later...(different Pov)

Henry Pov 

Some time had passed, the speaker came back on and said, "Sorry for the delay. I miscounted the votes. Anyways here's the results. The person who'll be voted out is... Terrence Suave." "WHAT!?!" Terrence shouted angrily. Then he disappeared. "You idiots! Now I'm gonna be dead!" Rupert yelled. "How?" HolTheFakUp questioned. "I'm his twin!" "Oh ya. About that, since Rupert is Terrence's twin, he'll also be voted out even though no one voted for him." The speaker said. Then Rupert disappeared. 'I guess that's good? We did vote out two people from the good team. I'm not sure about Terrence though. I don't know if he was on our team or not.'   "So what now? We probably didn't vote out the right people." GirlBendy said. "I guess we wait until the lights go out again?" Burt responded. "I guess so." I say. 

4 dead and now 16 remain.  Also sorry girlbendy for your option not being choosen. Have a good day/afternoon/night meh fellow hoomanz! 💜

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