chocolate covered

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HIM: let's get some rest, cool?

ME: yea.

He let go of my arms and I went to close the light. I turned on the LED lights in my room to a warm yellow like the sun. He picked up the blanket and motioned me to lay next to him. I crawled in and rested myself on top of him. I felt warm and safe, he kissed my forehead.

HIM: goodnight bb

ME: goodnight


I wasn't asleep but I just closed my eyes. What the fuck just happened. He was my best friend, he still is. I fell head over heels for him, got into a huge fight with him, bawled my eyes out, told him that i love him, made out, saw me naked, and now we are cuddling to sleep. Damn, my life right?

He's so warm. I felt his heart beating like mine and his hand stroking my back gently. I felt his chin on my head, and my body between his legs. I'm so lucky


I couldn't fall asleep, too much was going through my head. You had her all to yourself and instead you decided to say that you weren't ready. She is all you ever wanted and you weren't ready. I mean at least I told her. I thought she didn't care but she was crying. I knew she was, her eyes were all puffy. I know that I apologized but I still feel so bad, I'll never make you cry again. I love her, I love someone, finally.


The rain fell all night and hit her window. He held her tight and she rested on his chest all night long. They were meant for each other like chocolate on strawberries.

-next morning-

HIM: morning sunshine.

ME: oh, good morning, did I wake you?

HIM: no no but, we should get up it's... almost 11.

ME: but I don't wanna, you're so comfy

I snuggle my face into his chest and pout. He laughs at me.

HIM: okay okay fine, how about 10 more minutes and we go get some breakfast?

ME: 15?

HIM: hmmm, fine 15

ME: yay

HIM: here (he shifts me up towards his face) gimme a kiss

I gave him a little peck

HIM: a kiss please

I gave him another peck and giggle

HIM: fine I'll do it myself

He tightens his grip around my waist and I bend my knees so I hover over him.

HIM: oh so now you wanna kiss me?

ME: yes, I caved, you got me, now come here

I grabbed his face with both my hands and tilt my head so our lips can fit together like puzzle pieces. It was soft paces, in and out and small breaths in between. I felt his tongue on the roof of my mouth. Slow and clean kisses, I grinded gently against the bump on his trunks. One of his hands was beneath my shirt grazing my skin gently while the other was fidgeting with the lace strap of my thong.

The door swung open

EX: holy shit

My Ex was at my bedroom door and just saw me making out with my best friend. He left the door wide open and walked out in shock. I stared at the door and back at him. He looked at me.

candyland : HIM & MEWhere stories live. Discover now