Chapter 13 - I'm sorry...

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(Warning: This may contain feels. I don't really know.)
-Vincent's P.O.V-
I sat next to Scott's dead body. "I'm sorry...." I grab Scott pulling him on to my lap. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to kill you." I felt tears form. "I never wanted this to happen." I hugged him close to me. "I just wanted someone to love me." I began to cry into Scott's cold body. "There's no way of erasing the past or undoing it." I kissed his lips "I love you... You made me do this... I'm sorry.. Please wake up!"
-Scott's P.O.V-
"I love you... You made me do this... I'm sorry.. Please wake up!" I heard Vincent's voice but I couldn't move or wake up. "I forgive you Vincent but it's too late I'm already gone." I sat in the darkness that surrounded me. "I love you too Vincent." Soon I started to feel sleepy and I laid down and fell into an endless sleep.
-Vincent's P.O.V-
I cried as his body got colder. 'He's dead... Everyone you meet will alway end up dead because YOU killed them!' I look down and kissed Scott's cold lips again "I'll miss you love."
(Zori: End.
Zor: *breaks down crying*
Zori: really?
Zor: Y-Yes! It was so perfect! ;)
Zori: Whatever... -_•)

Naga Vincent (Purple Guy) X Messenger Scott (Phone Guy)Where stories live. Discover now