Five years later

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Five years later.

"Dage! dage! running towards niminjue.

"Hausiang! stop running and and fix your clothes! why did you want to come here? you know I have to work!"

"Am sorry dage! but I missed you! being the kings guard must be so hard, smirking as he hide his face behind his fan.

"Who are you being smart with? come here! come here! dont think I won't break your legs!"


Emperor Xichen was strolling with his brother and came closer to such a scene. Emperor Xichen sigh fondly while lan wanji looked on with a bored expression.

"Ahh dage! dage stop! the emperor! the emperor is watching"!

"Oh really? you think am going to fall for that again ?" not pausing in his pursuit of Nie Hausiang.

" So you have been using my name to get out of trouble uh Hausiang?"

Shocked at being caught Niminjue struggle as he compose himself before greeting "ahh greeting your majesty." "your emperor really is here". "Wanji"

Wanji nodded his head in greeting. turning to leave.

" Ahh lan wanji wait! wait! please excuse me your majesty"

struggling to catch his breath, Nie Hausiang pull out his cellphone, flip through his phone found the picture he was looking for,

"now I want to show you a picture, if you don't give me the reaction I am looking for you will not get the information that I have regardless of what you may do to me. do you understand?"

"Not knowing what to say, but nodding his before he even knew himself, glance at the picture and his whole world shook.

tears pull down his face as he blink his eyes, not wanting to look away from said picture. In the picture he saw his beautiful weiying in the middle of two four years old boys with all three of them smilling.

turning to Hausiang, "how? when? where? clenching his shirt, I have looked for him for five years, please please".

"Ok, ok, now am sure, well I was sure they were yours because holy hell lan wanji they are your copy."

"mhmm" I have two boys, he said smilling, where is he hauisang? I can't wait a moment long, it must have been hard on him, hauisang they are so beautiful, tears, he looks amazing!"

"yes they are beautiful lan wanji, so you are lanzhan?"

"yes lanzhan is my birth name".

"Brother you are crying, Hausiang, why is lan wanji crying?"

Pulling his brother into a hug overwhelmed with emotions "brother! "brother!" I found him, no I found them" laughing as tears continues to fall.
"oh wanji, am so glad to see you so happy, but can't I know why? I want to share in your joy as well.

"show him the pic hauisang"

"wanji? are you sure? don't you want to meet him first?"

"mhmm"! am sure, hes not going anywhere without me as long as you tell me where they are".

"the picture Hausiang" !

"right! here your majesty" nie hauisang show the picture to his majesty and niminjue, as all four of them view weiying and his two boys.

Emperor Xichen, laughed happily before hugging his brother "congratulations wanji! they are beautiful! oh wow am an uncle! nimjue! am an uncle!" he exclaim hugging his lover close.

Emperor Xichen, "when can I meet them? what does four years old boys like? omg I have four years of birthday present to make up for? wanji?"

"I will know as soon as nie hauisang tell me".

nimjue, "now nie hauisang! and how do you know him?"

"He and the boys are going to be here tomorrow, that was why I had to see wanji today dage." "I am supposed to be picking them up". plus dage! you know him too! that's wei wuxian! from lotus pier!"

Nimjue, "wei wuxian? "wei wuxian as in the chaotic kid you would get in trouble with? your drinking buddy?"

nie Hausiang shaking his head and sighing for dear life, "yes dage, that wei wuxian".

Emperor  Xichen, "hes an omega? wow! wanji! I guess you got you a rare one that's awesome! congratulations!" turning to nimjue, " babes! do you know what this means?"

Nimjue, "no? "what does it mean my majesty?"

Emperor Xichen walked closer before whispering in his ears, " It means we can get married nimjue, there are two heirs to the throne".

"Oh brother! get a room"! "am leaving! wanji! meet me at my house at four so we can leave for the airport. I can not wait to meet lan jinyi and  lan suizhui!"

"lan? he named them after me? whose older?"

"Ahh well he said you told him your name was lanzhan, so he used the lan in your name, and I think jinyi? but just to be on the safe side, make suizhui the heir to the throne.

" Their names are beautiful"! thank you Nie Hausiang" thank you! for everything! "

"Don't thank me yet! just hope he hasn't move on and is happy that I found you or else he's going to kill me! do you know how scary wei wuxian can be?" shudder.

"Hopefully he hasn't for that person sick."

"uh? why?"

"why? what? because I will kill them"

" wow you are scary! I forgot who you were for a minute." bye bye! and good luck!"

" Weiying, be good and be safe, I will see you soon!".
                       "IN AMERICA"
"aaachoo! aaacho! fuck! who is talking about me!"

Jinyi, "mom! you cursed! put a dollar in the curse jar!"

Getting out a dollar from his wallet, "yes! yes! I know curse monitor". "I dont know why I created such a rule when it's my money that's been put in smh."

"Are you guys packed and ready to go? we are leaving early in the morning."

Jinyi and Suizhui, "yes mom we are! will we get to see our dad mom?"

"I hope so! I pray it don't take me too long in finding him.

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