Modern AU oneshot

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another day another dollar, yearning I dazely tries to get out of bed. the sun is barely out and yet am up. Opening the windows to i pause my morning routine to watch the sunrays as it rise, telling me know of the new day.

"Weiwuxiaan!!!!! get your azz out here!!! your going be late from work!"

"oh yea that's my lovable brother, dont he so lovely? "

"am up" no need to scream Jiang cheng!"

"you better be up this your 3rd job in 3months! you better stay at that cafe for longer than you hear! am leavving!!! breakfast is on the table!"

"I love you shidi!!

" tsk! kiss my Azz weiwuxian!

"that my people is my lovely brother, sont mind the terrible words he is all I have left in this world. Hes a good big brother sometimes I think he need to relax a bit though, maybe I should hook him up.

hurrying up I ate my breakfast running outside just in time to catch the bus, " Alexa what's the weather going to be like today?" "ahh it's going to be sunny awesome! tha k you alexa!"

while sitting on the bus I notice it's a bit crowded and sometimes i wouldn't mind but am skittish today for some reason. " Turing to the person next to me, I smile,"hey, is there a festival or something? why is the bus so packed?

the young miss give me a look that covers to" are you living under a rock?" I think yes but patiently waits for her to answer still smiling.

clearing her throat,  "yes dont you know today is the day the jade twins returns home? they will be hosting a free festival for the local folks"

"ahhhhhhh" umm who's the jade twins?

"now she staring at me like am an alien, still smiling as I patiently wait for her to answer,
"umm lan wanji and lan Xichen? the two actors models and traditional musicians?"

they dont rank a bell but I say "ahhh" pretending like I know to avoid more of a bizarre stare. As I think on it now I should be more focus on job instead of the "jade twins" It will be my first time serving by myself taking in a deep breath I bid farewell tot he bus driver and get off the bus.

the first thing I smell is coffee as I open the door of the cafe. " get your azz in here tou lazy bump! I was going to fire you if you were even five minutes late!


"hahahahha I love you too wen qing"! shes the owner of the cafe and my long time bestfriend and confidant, another reason I need tot ake this job seriously because she  has work really hard to get where shes at".

"good morning" wen ning, ruffling his hair, hes wen qing little brother, and mines too I guess I love him just as much, hes the only one who allows me to mess with him with no complaints.

slapping my hands away, "good morning weiwuxian, you better open the register and get ready before customers arrives"... "you know how she is"

"hahahhaa I know, she and my brother are perfect for each other I dont why they havent confessed" yet I said whispering the last part.

"get out! you are fireeeeedddd weiwuxian she said chasing me with a spatula, as I dodge her from hitting me with it laughing. offcourse all of that came to a halt when the door tot the cafe opens.

Hey everyone! This one will be a 3 or 4 part one shot. Hope you like.


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