Golden eyes

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The next day xiao exhausted himself with school, making sure he woke up early enough to make it to his first class. crazy part was he didnt see his roommate when he woke up.

offcourse now that he was trying to come back to himself, he flirted with as many girls as possible, some was shock, but most was simply glad that the Xiao they knew was back.

hurrying to the cafe for his first date with his bestfriend he was nervous because it has been a while since he saw him! when he arrived he saw niehasang sitting and  playing on his phone as always dressed to the nine!

"Hey Nie! sorry am late!!! pulling him in for a hug!

"dude it's not that serious!"

laughing xiao stare at his friends face for  awhile, "I  missed you Nie! I know I been a horrible friend!

"eh yes you have! but what can I do? it's not like I can return you laughing"

"nope! you cannot! but I am still sorry for for being negligent".

" dude what you went through,pauses; am just glad your alive and well and smiling that's all I ever wish for! so please keep your sorry. waving at waiter. "so hows your roommate?"

" bro I only saw him at night! but hes not much for a talker, we have plans to write rules and talk about it later but you know am not one for rules"

"laughing dude you and rules? an surprise you made it to college without an issue "

"laughing out loud," dude my dad says the same thing!  he says it's going to take a really special person to deal with me lol.

after ordering what they wanted for lunch, xiao and Nie it their food in comfortable silence.

"woah! who is that piece of fine ass? nie asking nudging xiao to pay attention to guy at the counter.

"as xiao turns to look so does the person, and well turns out it's his roommate!

"ooh I think that's my roommate! Yibo! Yibo!!!!

lifting his head up, yibo meet xiao gaze, when he saw him, choose to walk over and return his greetings.

" damn Xiao! your roommate is "Smoking hot!

"dude stop Drooling! but yes he is fioneee he said as he watch yibo strut his way to their table.

"Hey Xiao"

"Yibo join us! This my bestfriend Nie"

Yibo Nodded his head at Nie as he took a seat across from xiao.

As xiao lift his head to gaze at Yibo, he was shock to see yibo already looking at him. As he observes face he found that Yibo has golden eyes, "well his eyes are golden? the heavens are really something, I mean this guy is already hot, does he have to get beautiful eyes as well "

"Damn Yibo! your not only hot but you had to be born with golden eyes too? are you trying to make us look bad?

"you should talk! you have grey eyes and as far as I know majority of the females in this schools are in love you!

"Yibo was at loss for words, after a while the only words that came out his mouth was "shameless!

laughing at yibo utterance, "omg yibo you describe him perfectly! dont mind him even though hes this shameless hes as harmless as they come! he hasn't popped his cherry yet! he said giggling

kicking nie under the table, "dude your pretty sexy your self! just look at you! and dont put my business out there like that! your going to drive my new roommate away!

not knowing what to say yibo sat quietly and ate his food as he listen to two friends bicker.
"was this what brother was talking about? having friends? " staring at xiao through his peripheral, he cant help his heart when it skip a beat at xiao blinding smiling face, he thinks am sexy hot and he find my eyes beautiful,  does he know that noone has complimented me before? dont he know that he is the most beautiful I have seen"

An hour or two later, xiao and Nie say their goodbyes, waving the two roommates bye as they walk to their dorms, "xiao my friend I hope you find all the happiness and more you want this year at school Nie thought as he walks away.

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