Enough Love In Our Hearts To Burst Like A Fucking Supernova

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We ended up falling asleep the couch and I woke up to Tyler, the band’s assistant, shaking Danny to get him up.

“Sorry, Cass,” he murmured as he continued to try to get Danny up. This was his everyday routine. He woke up all 5 AA members usually. I kind of felt bad for him. I mean, waking up 5 guys who were usually hungover everyday couldn’t be fun.

“It’s fine. I’ll get him up,” I told Tyler. He nodded and left.

I smiled and kissed Danny on the lips. “Time to get up,” I whispered in his ear. He eyelids opened and smiled. It was odd that something as simple and gentle as a kiss and whisper in the ear could wake him up, but violent shaking couldn’t.

“Why do I have to get?” he questioned sassily with a smile. I smiled back and kissed him again. I loved him so much and waking him up was actually really enjoyable, especially if it involved kissing.

“Tyler said you have,” I replied. He started to get up. It was obvious he was just getting up so Tyler didn’t get mad at him. Danny was never happy to get up. 

“What time is it?” Danny questioned stretching. I heard his back crack from sleeping on the couch. These couches were pretty comfortable to sit on, but sleeping on them was a totally different story.

I picked up my phone to check the time. “2:11,” I told him. I was kind of surprised I had slept so late. Tyler and I were usually the first ones up in the morning.

“Look at you, sleeping till the afternoon. I’m proud of you,” Danny joked. I smiled. I usually didn’t sleep late because I didn’t stay up late. Watching a 2 hour movie after the show was about as wild as I’d ever gotten and I’m not joking.

“I know. I feel like a rebel,” I joked back. I made my way to place where I kept my clothes and picked out a shirt and jeans. Unfortunately, someone was already in the bathroom, which was a downfall of sleeping in. I usually woke up early so I could get in the bathroom first. I sighed and looked around to see who was in there and to see if I could harass whoever it was. It was Ben, of course. He was probably just standing in there zoning out. Ben was someone I could harass. I enjoyed harassing him, to be honest.

“Ben, hurry your ass up. Other people have to get in there, too,” I shouted as I knocked loudly. I smiled as I heard him sighed. Annoying him was a great pass time. 

“I got in here, like, 10 minutes ago. Calm your tits, Cass,” Ben shouted back. I heard him shuffling around in there.

“Well, how am I suppose to know that? I didn’t time you!” I yelled through the door. Danny came up from behind with a smile on his face. He obviously knew what I was doing. I always annoyed Ben. I didn’t even give a shit if he was in the bathroom; I just liked to bug him.

“If you don’t even know how long I’ve been in here, then shut the fuck up,” Ben yelled. I turned away from the door and let out a chuckle. This is why I loved Ben so much. He gave me something to do, bugging him.

After he got out about 15 minutes later, I made a beeline for the bathroom before Danny could get in. Danny took way too much time in the bathroom. I’m pretty sure he just stared at himself in there and that was why he took so long in there. I quickly changed clothes and out on some makeup. I ran a brush through my long hair and walked out of the bathroom.

“Well, look who took longer than me!” Ben yelled. I could tell he was joking by the way he stood up and pointed at me dramatically. Ben was always joking; that’s why it was fun to annoy him.

“I’m a chick! I’m allowed to take a long time. I have to make myself look decent!” I argued. He knew I was right. I had to put on makeup and that could take awhile. I loved it when I was right.

“Ok, you’re right, you’re right,” Ben huffed. He sat back down and took out his phone. 

“Well, you look beautiful, babe,” Danny complimented kissing my cheek. I felt a smile form on my face.

“Barf!” James exclaimed. He pretended to stick his finger down his throat. I stuck my tongue out at him.

“You’re just jealous!” Danny told him. The thought of someone being jealous because of me seemed pretty farfetched. Why would someone be jealous of Danny just because I was his girlfriend?

“Oh, yeah sure. I totally want to date my best friend,” he shot back. Danny quit arguing with him and went into the bathroom to get changed.

He came out a few moments later and Tyler told them to go to soundcheck. We walked to the venue and I watched them soundcheck like every other day. Soon, the doors opened and business started up. The night went pretty well. I wasn’t even tired since I had slept so late. I felt like I could go for at least another few hours.

During the meet and greet, I hung back. I didn’t want to get in the way, but I wanted to wait for Danny. I don’t think Danny even realized I was even there considering how hard I was trying not to get in the way.. I saw some groupies trying to come on to Danny. I saw one girl touching him and talking with him for a really long time. He gave her a look of disgust. I noticed she was wearing excessively short shorts and a really low cut tank top. I was almost surprised he didn’t go along with her slutty behavior. I wanted to go over there and rip her off of him and curse her out, but I kept my cool.

“You know, I’m not being picked up for another hour,” I heard the slutty chick tell Danny. I froze. That could only mean one thing: she wanted to fuck him. Danny wasn’t one to say “no” to something like that.

“I know what you’re getting at. I have a girlfriend, so sorry,” I heard Danny tell her. He backed up away from her. I smiled. He seriously just turned down a groupie so I would stay with him and with me there was no sex. With me, it was something simple like movie night. The best part was, he didn’t even know I was listening.

“She won’t know,” the girl told him getting closer again. She put a hand on his shoulder. I cringed.

“She lives on our bus,” Danny pointed out bluntly. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. This girl had the power to crush my new found love for Danny.

“Oh, well. Who cares about her?” I’m sure she’s not that great,” the girl told him. She looked like she might start fucking him right there if she had the chance.

“Well, I care. I love her, so go find someone else to fuck,” he told her and walked away. He was practically steaming, but the only thing I could think about was how he turned her down for me. I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face.

In that moment, I knew I could really trust him and that it didn’t matter how hot other girls were. He loved me. 

A Love to Give (Danny Worsnop Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now