My Heart Begins to Pound

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“Hey babe,” Josh greeted kissing my cheek. My stomach sunk. I felt like I might throw up. I should’ve broken up with him this morning.

“Hey,” I stammered nervously. Why the fuck was he here?

He hugged me for a few moments. The song ended and I saw Danny staring at us with his mouth physically open.

“What’re you doing here?” I asked trying to sound happy. 

“I wanted to surprised you!” he exclaimed. I was hoping he couldn’t tell how unhappy I was. I didn’t want him here. I was suppose to be breaking up with him.

“Oh,” I saw bluntly. I couldn’t break up with him now. He had come here just to see me. That would be cruel.

“Do you not want me here?” he questioned backing up from me. He looked hurt. I wanted to scream “NO! I don’t want you here! I want to break up with you,” but I didn’t. 

“No! Of course I want you here. It’s just you’ve never done this before,” I lied. Why did this have to happen to me? And when had I become such a good liar?

“Ok. I won’t get in the way of anything,” he responded. Besides my relationship with Danny, I thought.

James gave me a disapproving look and I had to admit that I agreed. I didn’t like what I was doing either. I shouldn’t be leading Josh on. I needed to break it off ASAP.

“Cass, can I talk to you?” Cam called from the stage. He looked just as upset as James.

“I’ll be back,” I told Josh and hopped onstage. I was dreading the conversation that was to come.

“Aren’t you gonna tell him?” Cam asked in a whisper.

“What is he doing here anyway?” James wondered before I had a chance to answer Cam’s question.

“You can’t lead him on, Cass,” Ben commented like I didn’t know that myself.

“Guys, I’ll do it before the show tonight, I promise,” I told them. I played with the keys on my belt loop nervously.

“You better. He deserves to know,” Sam told me, “To be honest, I kinda feel bad for him.” I saw what he meant. I was really lying to Josh and he didn’t deserve that. He was really a nice.

“I know, I know,” I murmured and hopped off the stage. I swallowed anxiously.

“Josh, I -,” I started to say, but he cut me off.

“What do you usually do before shows?” he wondered taking my hand. My stomach churned and I couldn’t take my mind off of Danny.

“Um, well, I get the merch ready, which I did this morning, then, I watch soundcheck and then, I hang out with the guys,” I answered. Just tell him, a voice shouted in my mind.

“Sounds cool. do you need any help with anything?” he asked. He sounded too excited and the excitement wasn’t even fake. he was truly happy to be here, which was going to make breaking up with him 10 times harder.

“I’m actually done everything,” I replied picking at my cuticles. I should’ve told him right then.

“That’s great!” That means we have tons of time together,” Josh exclaimed happily, “I’m so happy I’m here.” He hugged me again. I hugged back half heartedly. Why was I such an ass?

All of AA was staring at us. I could feel their eyes their eyes on me. I could tell their stares were disapproving, especially Danny’s. I couldn’t imagine being him right now. He must be feeling right now. He must feel pretty crushed. He had finally told me how he felt and I still hadn’t broken up with my boyfriend.

“Josh, I need to tell you something,” I told him and pulled him over to the merch table. I felt my stomach flip-flop. Do it! I told myself.

A Love to Give (Danny Worsnop Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now