I started to clutch my neck where her hands were and gasping for air.I slowly calmed down seeing that I had woken up and got out of bed,immediately putting my shoes on.I walked fast down the stairs toward the lab where I stood in the doorway smiling as i looked at the flying vechile.I walked towards the car,got in,and pressed autopliot where it made a loud noise.But atleast it worked.Then the celling opened and the car started to levitate.When the vechile was about to fly off i saw my dad running inside the lab looking up towards me through the window of the car.Why wasn't he angry?I don't understand.He would usually be angry at me but he was just standing there doing nothing.I tried to take my mind off of my dad as the car left the house and zoomed away.

As time went on,it became night

I need to find a place to sleep for the night I thought to myself

The car started to fly fast,then it suddenly stopped in mid-air and landed to the ground.I look out the window and see a tall hotel with squared yellow windows.I get out the car and walk to a nearby bench to sit on

I will just lay here since I don't have money and I can't pay for a room

Then woman comes towards me."Excuse me,do you want to come in?"The woman says as I see her blonde hair in a bun,pale white skin,blue eyes,and a unforgettable smile"Yes please"I say as I get up and she takes me inside of the hotel and enter the lobby"I can give you a room for the night if you want sweetie"She says as she stops and turns to me"oh sure"I say"Ok then follow me.I already have a key for a room that's no one is using"She says as she keeps walking and I follow."Here we are"She says as she lends out the keys towards me"Thank you"I say as I grab the keys and enter into the room.I close the door behind and locked it.I put down my things and get into bed as I try to fall asleep.But then I feel skinny legs moving on me.I look at my arm and see nothing.

Maybe I'm just tired and scaring myself

I slowly fall asleep trying to not think about anything.I open my eyes and see a boy in my bed but I can't see his face only behind his head.I reach for his shoulder and try to wake him up.No response."Hey I think you got the wrong room"I say as I turn him towards me and see nothing.He has no eyes,no mouth,no eyebrows,no nose,no nothing.He only had scars and big cuts on him that were bleeding.His body starts to become on fire.

I backed away and fell on the floor,making me wake up in the bed where my dream started.I looked over to the side where the boy was.This can't be happening.He's there.Sleeping.Just like in my dream.I touch his shoulder and turn him over.I sigh in relief seeing he has a face.

Wait.There's a stranger in my bed

I scream on top of lungs and got up from the bed.My loud scream woke up the boy.He got so scared he turned into a beetle


"Uh d-did you just turned into a bug"I say"no"he says"so yes.Anyways who are and what are you doing in my bed"I say"I didn't want to get caught.I was supposed to be undercover"He says as he turns back into a human"What do you mean undercover?"I say as I sit next to him on the bed"Your dad wanted me to keep a eye on you"He said looking at me.I could see his slighty long light brown hair,and green eyes."No wonder he didn't look angry at me when I was leaving"I say to myself"I'm sorry Ava"He says"Well it's too late to say sorry.I have to go but it was nice meeting you.And don't follow me"I say as I get up and grab my things"Wait,Ava.Can I come with you"He says begginly"Why?"I say"Because if I don't keep an eye on you he said he will disect me"He says"Are sure he said that?My dad is probably the least threatening person I know"I say laughing a bit"I'm being serious.He said that.Please just let me come"He says teary eyed"Ok I will"I say

Did my dad really say such a thing?

"Well I guess you don't know your dad that well"He says knowing what I was thinking by the look on my face."Welp,I think we should get going"He says as he stands up"You're right"I say as I grab my things and we leave the room.We walk out the hotel and see the woman with the blonde hair,pale skin,blue eyes,and a unforgetable smile standing near the car"Hey what are you doing to my car"I say"Oh nothing.I wish you a great ride"She says as she smiles and walks away"That was suspicious"The boy says"Yeah but we don't have time for her"I say as we get into the car.

We sit in awkward slience as the car is in the air flying"So...I really didn't catch your name"I say"My name is Greg Seth"He says as it goes quiet again"So...how did you meet my dad?"I say wondering"I don't want to tell you much but I did spme bad things and bumped into your dad.He said he saw something in me and wanted help me but that was a lie.All he saw was something he could use"He said"How did he use you?"I said"He knew I had shapeshifting powers and threaten me if I didn't help him out.Just like he sent me on this mission to look after you"He said"I really am sorry what my dad was doing to you.I didn't know he was that kind of person"I say"It's alright.You don't know a person is like,even if you think you know them"He says as we sit in slience again.

Days go by,me and greg talk about our interests and the future.All of sudden something in the back makes sound like BOOM!The tires in the back become on fire and the flying car goes crashing to the ground.Then everything goes black.

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