Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: The Gennin Exam's

Rena's POV:

The teacher had told us we have five tests, one is a written test, two is a survival test, three is a weapon and poison test, four is a capture the flag sort of thing, and five is a 1v1 test.

First we got to get teacher the protocols of the test and how to handle them if something goes wrong, and then we had to train for an hour to make sure we were mentally and physically prepared.

Soon we all got inside and sat down at our seats, and we got handed the tests.

The test had questions that got harder as they went up, and there were two unknown students I haven't seen before, we were also told not to cheat, but I found out the reason of the test was to see how well you could cheat without getting caught pretty fast.

Luckily for me one of the 'studens' were sitting infront of me, I used my sharingan to copy their moves and after a minute I was done, I flipped over my paper and put my pencil down as I sat straight in my seat, the tests can't be tht hard can they?

After about an hour we were all done with the tests and the two 'students' were excused.

After they were exused we all went out in a line with me in the back and Jiro in the front.

Soon we made it to something called the forest of death.

The teacher said we had to survive 5 days in there and then make it to the middle of the forest and go through the gates of the building there, they also said that two jonnin will be lurking in the forest and if they tag you, you will have to wait for next year to take the test again since you fail.

We all got a number from 1 to 1,000, since every class was taking the gennin exams.

They had opened the gates and called out each of our numbers, we all got five minutes to leave to the specific space our numbers were given to start off giving us all different tasks we have to complete to be able to pass, and then the next person gets called.

We also aren't allowed to look at eachother's numbers

But today was my lucky day since I got number 1.

Soon we were all standing in a group but I was slowly walking away from the group and going to the side behind them all until the teacher started to call out numbers.

"Number one!" The teacher yelled as I walked up to the gates as teacher opened them I could feel the glares on my back but I ignored them and walked through the gate, I jumped into the trees and started sprinting as fast as I could through the forest jumping on each tree, soon I took out the location on the paper where the number is.

Hn. Just as I expected since I was number one I was all the way in the back of the forest.

After 1 hour of running i made it to my spot and found a chest with a scroll inside it, as I got the scroll out I soon began to read it.

Your goal to leave this forest is to find the nearest campsite and steal all of the supplies leaving nothing left.

Oh great just making people hate me even more, just perfect, well it is for a test anyways soo they shouldn't really blame me but I know they still will, that's just how they are.

I had to wait at least a day until someone made camp or teamed up with people and made camp together, I know people would want to kill me, or try to get me out, so I guess I will just hide my chakra signiture and rest in the trees.

After a few hours the sun started to go down, and then it started, The Hunt.

Everyone knew it was smart to attack ideally do anything at night since it's dark and easier to hide in.

I found it peaceful, unlike many people who are afraid of the dark, and I used to be too, but you kind of get used to it since you train day, and night, and I liked the spot I was put since there was a large circle of light beside the tree I was on, it was a large clearing in the middle of my spot where the full moons light was shining down on the grass.

I was never stupid enough to sleep at night or in the day on a mission I was always trained by my parents and they had told me the importance of not falling asleep.

Like I said I'm not liked by people because I'm not pampered, and I don't brag about the presents my parents get me since normally I just got handed downs, it didn't bother me I liked the things my parents gave me they would teach me bout the origins of the weapons, and I was really intrueged.

After another hour I felt the chakra signitures of my prey dissapear, I silently jumped down landing perfectly on my feet.

I activated my sharingan and walked slowly twords the tents and sealed everything (yes even the tents) in some scrolls I had found in my chest.

I had went a few miles away from my spot and layed down on a tree branch, now all I had to do was not be spotted by people for, four days.

I knew they would team up with as many people as they could find, all just to hunt me down.

God what did I do to deserve this!?!

Am I somehow a recarnation of a terrible person!?!

Little did she know......


Hey guys hope you enjoyed!

Q) Do you know who Rena is reincarnated as?

Q) Why do you think everyone hates her?

Q) Do you think she will pass

Q) Do you think her dad is special?

Q) Why do you think the village is so terrible now?

See you guys next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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