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it took a week to figure out how to make this whole recording thing work. with covid, we wanted to decide on the safest way to go about it. most studios are closed, and i honestly didn't want to chance using them anyway.

so daniel came up with the brilliant idea to record at his house where he has an entire studio set up. it's where he and the boys started recording their album - it makes perfect sense. he even went out to buy disinfectant supplies, the whole nine yards.

i think he knows how hesitant i am about everything, especially with being a mom and the anxieties that come with risking noah to the virus. but he's been a literal angel and has done everything to make it more doable and safe.

which brings me to today; currently at the seavey residence, cooped up in daniel's room where the studio resides. he plans on extending it and moving everything into their garage, but for now this is it. it's still an amazing setup.

jonah is still back at my place with noah. and he doesn't know i'm here. in fact i told him i was helping hayley with something... okay yes i lied, but i couldn't tell him. not yet.

i'm too nervous for his reaction.. but i'll tell him eventually, obviously i'll have no choice.

"alright so are you good with the lyrics? you wanna change anything or..?" daniel asks, getting straight to business.

i shrug, "what do you think?"

i watch his blue eyes scan my lyric book and he slowly nods, "okay here you have: 'i've been holding back tears, i'm alone in bed- what if we add something between these two lines? something that adds to the story."

"okay i see. umm here let me see your acoustic please," i ask.

he stands and grabs the guitar before handing it over. i play the melody and softly sing the words,

"i've been holding back tears... while you're.. throwing back beers, i'm alone in bed,"

"wait yes! i was also thinking about a little melody change with 'you know i, i'm afraid of change' and same with the next line 'guess that's why i stay the same'," he sings out, impressing me with his suggestion.

"i like it. definitely the bridge for this song."

he nods in agreement, "yeah. and the chorus is already perfect, i wouldn't change it."

"please i'm so excited, sorry," i apologize at my random burst of excitement, the reality of this situation sinking in.

he laughs, "no need to apologize. it's a good feeling, isn't it?"

"honestly dani, i love writing so much. but this... this creative process is so much more."

"yeah it is. i really think this is the start of something great for you em. i told you that you could do it," he smiles.

"you know what could be really cool for this song?" i question as an idea hits me.


"the second verse and chorus coming from a male perspective. like for a remix, or a second version of the song," i explain.

his eyes widen, "wait yes. wait you mean-"

i laugh, "yes daniel. i'd obviously want you to sing it since you're helping so much on the song. do you think you can write a verse or something for it?"

he nods before turning back to the page, "well what if i just change some words around? same thing but from the males perspective, you know?"

"got it. okay well do you wanna record both versions while we're here then?"

"i'm up for it, let's gooooo."

this is too fun. i could definitely get used to this.


(a/n: what we thinking? how's jonah gonna react? 👀)

THIS IS ME TRYING, jonah maraisWhere stories live. Discover now