10 ♔♕ 𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿

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𝚊𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟿

"I can't believe you like her."

Bella's head shot up, staring at Harry with confusion as he glared back at her over his porridge. The three of them were back home for Easter and, thankfully, their father wasn't down for breakfast yet. It was the first time she had properly seen her brothers since meeting Camilla a few weeks ago.

"Well, yeah...she's nice." Bella replied, she couldn't understand what was wrong with Harry.

"But...mum, she made mum's life a misery."

"Oh come on Harry, it's not like Camilla was the one chasing her around everywhere." William replied, after taking a sip from his cup of tea, he continued, "I like her too."

Huffing in response, Harry turned his attention back to his sister, "did you at least test her a bit."

"I didn't ask her to recite pi or anything like that if that's what you mean...she umpired pa and I whilst we played tennis."

"Who won?" Asked William, ignoring the glares he got from Harry at changing the topic.

"Me...pa was stiff as a board the next day." She replied, laughing at the memory.

"Well, if you two like her I suppose I'll have to give her a chance." Harry huffed in response.

"That's good because she's coming tomorrow." William said, chuckling at his brother who was staring at him with his mouth hanging open.

"You'll catch flies Harry." Bella quipped to him before turning back to her eldest brother, "but I thought we were going to Windsor for Easter?"

"Yeah, on Monday, but she's coming for the day tomorrow." He explained to her as he shovelled the last of his scrambled eggs into his mouth, "right," he said, standing up and placing his napkin on the table, "I've got to go, got homework to do."

Bella watched her brothers retreating form back up the stairs to his bedroom before turning back to Harry, "I wonder if she rides?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Oh, don't be so grumpy." She responded, placing her napkin on the table she continued, "I think I'll go ask pa, and then maybe we could go out later?"


"Okay," she stood up and began to walk away from the breakfast table, "oh and Harry," she stuck her head back round the door, smiling at her brother as he looked up from his porridge, "smile! You never know, the wind might change and you'll be stuck."

Harry stuck his tongue out in reply, smiling to himself as he listened to his sister laughing as she walked away to find their father.


"Remember Harry, you've got to be nice to her." Bella declared, laughing as Harry threw his arm around her and pulled her in tight before ruffling her hair up.

"Yes Bella." He replied, giving her a big grin before letting her go.

The three of them stood up as the door to the sitting room was opened, their father ushering Camilla through the door. William stepped forwards first, ever the gentleman, and kissed just one cheek, "it's lovely to see you again."

Camilla's eyebrows rose slightly as he did so, a smile breaking out on her face as she responded to him. As she turned to Harry, who was yet to step forward, Bella elbowed him in the ribs, all the while keeping her face completely neutral. "Ooof." Came a small noise from Harry, it did its job though, he stepped forwards and, rather reluctantly, repeated his brothers greeting, "hello."

"It's nice to see you again Harry." She replied, rather bravely Bella thought, before turning to her. She repeated Harry's welcome, but showed slightly more enthusiasm than he did, and then they all took their seats.

It was rather awkward for a minute but then Bella, never one to beat around the bush, broke the silence, "pa tells me that you ride Camilla."

"Yes I do, not as well as any of you though." Camilla replied as she accepted a cup of tea from their father.

"Oh good, well we were thinking why don't we all go out, we could show you the grounds...if you've brought the right clothes of course, we've got boots haven't we pa?"

"Oh it's alright, I've brought them, your father preempted you." Camilla explained, smiling as a Bella grinned at her words.


All of his children were good riders that was for sure. Particularly Bella, who was absolutely fearless, galloping all over the place and jumping walls that were almost as big as the pony she was riding.

Camilla was just glad that Charles had told her to bring the right things, she guessed that spending all day drinking tea in the sitting room wasn't the best way to entertain them, or get to know them.

They had all been very welcoming though which she appreciated, though she had seen Bella give Harry a few glares at times. She was glad that they seemed to like her, Camilla would never dare to replace their mother, and it wasn't her intention. But if her relationship with their father was becoming more serious, then she wanted to have a good relationship with his children too.


"So, what do you think of her?" Zara asked Bella as they mounted their horses. The whole family were at Windsor for Easter and the two of them had decided to go out hacking together.

"She's...nice, I don't know, she's-"

"If she didn't have the history that she did you'd like her."

"Exactly!" Bella smiled, Zara always knew what she was thinking, the two of them had become really close over the past few years particularly after her mum had died, she was like a big sister to her.

"Well if you like her then that's okay isn't it?"

"I suppose...I think, I just need to get used to her being around."

"Is it serious then?" Zara asked as she urged her horse forwards, the two of them began trotting through one of the paths that led to a nice open field.

"I think so, William says pa's just waiting to get granny's approval, and for the public to actually like her."

"Well that might take forever."

"Exactly." Bella responded as they began to reach the end of the path, "you ready?" she asked, the two of them would always race across this field, her horse was already starting to pull, knowing exactly what was about to happen.


They were both off like a shot, any thoughts of Camilla gone as they galloped across the field, dirt flicking up on to their faces. They went the whole way round with huge smiles on their faces as their horses pushed to go faster, the only thing on their minds who was going to win.


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