26 ♔♕ 𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲

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𝚓𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟸𝟶𝟶𝟽

It would be 10 years.

10 years.

A decade.

How had it been a decade?

A decade since her mum had died.

A decade of missed birthdays.

Of missed hugs.

Of missed words of wisdom.

God, what would she say about Bella now?

Bella who had very nearly been the one used to cheat on someone with.

Bella who was still dealing with an unbelievable amount of press attention.

Bella who had decided to try to follow her dreams and ride competitively for as long as she could.

What would her mum say about that?

Would she be proud?


She really hoped that her mum was proud of her.

It was all she wanted really.

Grief is strange when you think about it. How it comes in fits and starts. Waves, rolling in and out.

But it was always still there. A dull ache that never really goes away. It's just that the ache sometimes increases to a pain that grips you, squeezes you tight in its fist, then


the fist releases. And the dull ache returns. It always returns. Always.

The pain is strange too.

There are obvious moments where you expect it.

For Bella it was birthdays. Christmas. The 31st of August. Paris. Althorp.

But then there are the moments, the most unexpected moments, where the grief comes, it rises up and takes its hold.

The sound of someone playing just a few notes on a grand piano. Seeing her mums favourite food on a menu. Walking past her old primary school where she would run to her mum and then the two of them would skip home, stopping off at one specific bench in Kensington gardens.

She still couldn't sit on that bench.

A decade.

10 years.

Would her mum be proud.

Yeah, she probably would be.


a   t h r o w b a c k   t o   1 9 9 1

"She's so much fun..."

Diana gushes to esteemed guests about her 'little princess' Isabella.

Surrounded by famous faces from the political world, including First Lady Barbara Bush, The Princess of Wales chatted excitedly about her daughter, who has recently turned 5.

When asked by Mrs Bush if the young Princess enjoyed her birthday, Diana replied, "oh very much so," the smile on her face increasing as she spoke about her youngest child.

The Princess was then told by another guest how Princess Isabella always makes her smile with how confident and talkative she is. "She's such a character," Diana began, obviously enjoying talking about her child as every parent does, "she's so much fun...but she's got us all completely wrapped around her finger."

"I bet she does." Came the reply from Mrs Bush, the group laughing as they then shared stories of their own children.

Princess Isabella was born on the 23rd of November, 1986 as the third child of The Prince and Princess of Wales. Upon her birth, both parents were clearly thrilled with the Prince of Wales commenting that they were, "absolutely delighted."

After listening to a story shared by another guest, Diana began to speak about her daughter again which appeared to delight the small number of people gathered around her, "Bella does that as well," she began, smiling at the woman who had just been talking, "bosses her brothers around all the time...and they completely accept it," she laughed, "there was never any questions about it from them!"

Whilst this may have just been a small glimpse into the private lives of The Prince and Princess of Wales and their children, it is clear to see how family orientated they are. And also clear how much of a delight their youngest child appears to be, to much excitement from the public who await her next appearance!

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