28 ♔♕ 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀

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𝗔/𝗡: 𝗮 𝗱𝗼𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘂𝗽 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲!


"So, what is this?"

Bella's question came out with a deep sigh as she tried to steady her breathing. Next to her, Alex was lounging out on the bed, also trying to regain himself.

"What do you mean?" He pushed himself up onto one arm as he spoke, staring down at Bella with a raised eyebrow.

"Well...what are we calling this?"

As soon as she said it, Bella knew she'd regret that one. A look of glee flashed across his face before he smirked and then replied, "I think most people tend to call what we just did sex."

"Oh very funny."

Dodging a flying pillow that Bella had flung in his direction, Alex grinned as he turned round to lie on his stomach, his hands taking the weight of his head, "what do you want to call it Bell?"

"I don't know..." she grumbled, sighing as she also turned to mimic his position. "I guess...uh, okay," she pushed herself back up to a sitting position, a slight frown forming as she tried to think, "you don't want a girlfriend because they can't deal with the army thing."


"I don't want a boyfriend because they can't deal with the princess thing."

"That is also correct if what you have told me is right."

"But," Bella paused, now smiling down at Alex, "we are two young adults,"


"Who are free to do mostly as we please."


"However," she raised an eyebrow, now teasing as she continued, "I can't just have a random fling because by the time the bed is cold The Sun or The Daily Mail would have it on print."

"Extremely correct."

"You think that you can't have a fling because you appear to have it in your head that you are some sort of Grecian God that girls fawn over and get attached too, thus resulting in no opportunity for a cheeky one night stand."

"Hey, hey, hey," Alex grinned, "no think about it."

"Which I also regret to inform you is absolute bollocks."

He feigned being heartbroken at her words, resulting in a loud bubble of laughter to erupt from Bella that she had been desperately trying to keep down.

"Anyway..." she continued, trying her best to keep a straight face as she went on, "essentially, we're more or less in the same position."


"And so," she smiled, leaning forward so that her face was now back level with his, "we're practically forced to help each other out."

"I can see no other option." He grinned back, chuckling softly as Bella pretended to fall back onto the bed in exhaustion.

"What a predicament."

"Good job we've found a way out then." Alex said, smiling at the little improv they had formed.

"Isn't it just."

"No strings attached."

"We've got the perfect situation really."

"Friends with -"

"Don't you even dare say it!" Bella's hand shot up to cover his face, stopping Alex in his tracks. "I am a Princess of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, my grandmother is Queen as my father will be King...don't you dare say that that is what we are doing."

"But Your Royal Highness," he joked, leaning forward so he was looking down at her, getting ready to steal another kiss, "I am very much afraid that we are indeed doing that."


"I'm so glad that my brother came to his senses."

Next to her, Kate smiled, a small blush creeping up her cheeks at Bella's compliment. Leaning over to poor the bottle of wine that had been left at their table, Bella smiled again as she continued, "Rose should be here soon, then we can order."

"Thank you so much again for inviting me...I know it's normally what you two do together."

"Oh nonsense," She shrugged in reply, "besides, I see her all the time anyway."

"Are my ears burning?" Rose's voice carried over the two of them, making them look up from the small corner table they were sat at.

"We were talking about you Rosie, not to you." Bella teased, standing up to greet her best friend as she spoke. "Rose," she began, turning back to Kate who had also stood, "this is Catherine, my brother's wonderful girlfriend who he has finally come to his senses over...Kate, this is Lady Rose Powlett but just call her Rose, we all do."

"Normally I get introduced as the best friend," Rose began, taking her seat next to Bella whilst she spoke to Kate, "but I suppose I'll have to get used to sister of the boyfriend as well now eh Bell?"

They both looked to Bella as she choked on her wine at Rose's words. Trying to muffle her coughs so they didn't attract attention, she managed to whisper to Rose between splutters, "who the bloody hell did you hear that from..."

"Penny saw you creeping out of his room on New Year's Day," ignoring the still spluttering Princess, Rose looked over the top of her to Catherine who was watching them with amusement, "that's my younger sister," she clarified for her, "a very reliable source."

"We're not together."

"Funny you should say that because that's exactly what Alex said too," looking back over to Catherine she continued, "that's my brother, the one she's been shagging."

"Shut up!" Bella hissed, her foot reaching out to prod Rose who appeared to be greatly amused by it all, "someone will hear you."

"Oh relax, there's no one around." A huge smile formed on her face as she went on, "I for one think it's wonderful, you suit each other completely."

"We're not together."

"Whatever you say darling...but do you think I should call Philip though and get him started on a hat for the wedding?"

Despite dissolving into laughter at the murderous look sent from her best friend, Rose managed to contain herself a few moments later. Leaning forward to have a drink of her own wine, she said, "oh I'm so sorry Catherine, this is so rude of me, but I just couldn't resist it."

"No don't worry." Kate replied, smiling at the interaction between the two women.

"Yes, exactly Rose," Bella countered, sitting up properly as she spoke to her, "we were supposed to be welcoming Kate, not interrogating me!"

"Well, you might as well learn what we're like straight away, there's no point getting it in your head that we're the perfect princesses when actually we're nothing like that at all."

"I'll have you know that I can be a pretty good princess when I need to be," Bella smiled at the two of them, "it's just that I can't keep it up for the entire time."


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