♔ xxii. "You did well."

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"I'm seriously doomed, aren't I?" Yeri grumbled, eyeing her sprained ankle

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"I'm seriously doomed, aren't I?" Yeri grumbled, eyeing her sprained ankle. So much for trying to be useful to someone else, now I'm the one in trouble. She thought to herself.

Yeri looked around her surrounding area. Trees, trees, and more trees. No one who could help her in sight. Thinking to herself that there was no use sitting on the ground doing nothing as the sun was visibly setting, she tried to push herself up with her hands and her other foot supporting her injured one.

Leaning from one tree to another, it was quite a difficult task to walk because one; the ground was uneven and there were too many hurdles such as large tree roots and rocks, and two; she had no idea where the hell she was.

After struggling for almost half an hour to walk barely a distance from where she came from, she stopped and sat on the last tree she was leaning for support on. This time, struggling to sit down. She had to rest her good foot that had been supporting her entire weight.

"I really should start walking to build my stamina up once I get home." Yeri sighed to herself.

"Would it be better to walk around looking for the way... Or stay in one place in hopes that someone actually finds me?" Yeri thought aloud. There was just one thing she didn't like about waiting. She could feel the time running, making her anxious and restless. What if I get stuck here until night time?

Panic started to build up in Yeri's gut when there was no sign of help after more than an hour. This made her abruptly push herself up, unconsciously stressing her weight on both feet which made her yell out in pain before falling on her knees. She didn't want to cry but the pain and frustration was getting to her. Yeri looked back to how she was led to this situation and bit her lip hard.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" She was suddenly making new friends, getting along with them and actually having fun. Yeri thought she was actually doing well and finally getting called out by some girls from another class. She thought it'd be different this time.

My arrogance led me to this... A sprained ankle, scraped knee, and zero to nothing pride in this damned wilderness.

"I just thought..." Her voice trailed. Biting her quivering lips harder 'til she tasted rust.

"You thought what?"

Yeri's head whipped up, stunned. Eye to eye with a raven haired boy who's eyes couldn't contain his relief. And just as he was relieved to see the girl, it was equal to how worried he was at the sight of her. And thinking about how this was most likely foul play made his blood boil.

"What the hell happened?!" The boy couldn't help but raise his voice, kneeling down on one knee in front of her, examining Yeri's condition; swelling ankle, inflamed knees and bleeding lips.

The entire time, she watched his movements, and once she was sure she wasn't imagining it, that someone was finally here, someone came to find her, and someone worried for her, the tears that she was trying to suppress just burst out.

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