"Family Dinner"

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Jisoo pov

Jennie agreed on my plan, I don't know if that's a good plan but I wanna make fun of her, I don't even like her

I was sitting at my bed staring at my reflection it was kinda creepy but anyways my phone vibrated it was a text from my mom

:Hey hon.. we just found out that Rosé moved in with you earlier with her cousin, right? Well I was just planning if we could have a family dinner later?

I said as I read her text I respond with a..

:Okay... But can Jennie come? Please mom.. I need her support

I typed in she answered it with an okay

I went downstairs to tell everyone the news that we'll be having a family dinner later they just nodded and continued with there phones.. well this is a boring afternoon

I went to get the phone and ordered pizza for them and a drink wines of course.. then I went out to the backyard and get my self a tan it was very relaxing then Jennie came

"Why don't you go talk to Rosé?" She asked sitting beside me

"Nah.. I'm not interested" I said coldly but it was true I don't like her we just met yesterday

"But unnie, your parents.. they wanted you two to get together why don't you talk to each other but just friends for now" she said and smiled looking at me

I looked at her taking my sunglasses off and looked at her annoyed

"Fine. But I need your help" I said dramatically

"Okay.. all I have in mind is go up to her bring her stuff to your room help her unpack and talk to her" Jennie said and pulled me inside

I know Jennie for years now.. and I trusted her all her opinions are good that's why I treat her as my own sister.. then we approached them

"Uh.. hi Rosé do you want me to take your bags upstairs?" I asked as I rub my arm

"Sure" she said and smiled as she grab her luggage and I took the other I saw Lisa in her new room unpacking I signaled Jennie to help her and she did but she rolled her eyes.. yeah.. Jennie is always in a mood but she has a soft spot V was outside with Yeontan, Kuma, Kai, Dalgom playing together I smiled, it's been a long time since I last saw him smile

"By the way, you should wear something formal later.." I said as I helped her put her clothes on the other side of the closet, hey! We're both girls I don't want to wear her clothes

"Sure" she said, bruh.. she's just saying sure for the whole day not even one word

"Hey! Someone ordered pizza and wine?" V yelled from downstairs

I went out to yell "yeah!" And gave him my card to pay for it of course

"Hey! All of you guys come down here let's continue the unpacking later" I yelled and they went downstairs

"Wine? Uh... I don't drink.." Jennie said and just tooked a bite from her pizza I just tossed her a bottle of sprite that will be enough for her

"Hey... Jisoo I don't think that we'll drink this now cause remember that we have a family dinner later right?" Rosé said

"Oh.. don't worry just one bottle I promise" i said and smirked tskk

We are the pizza and drink wine instead of one it turned into two

"I think we have enough let's get ready now.." Rosé said as she walked upstairs to change I feel so dizzy I don't know if I could go eat dinner with my fam tskk

I went to the bathroom and wore something presentable to my family so does V and Jennie and Lisa too


Find out in the next chapter, sorry bitin 😶

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