Chapter 11

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Yeji's POV

When lia booked us ticket we were one of the 5 special fans so we can meet them before the concert. I was happy but little nervous and afraid about fans.
But me and lia decided to Sleep. And not to worry.

[Next morning]

Me and my members got ready early in the morning at got safely landed at airport but there were many fans at U.S airport. After sometime we somehow got out of it and headed towards the hotel.
When we reached the hotel it was currently 11am. Me and lia were again roomates we decided to rest some time then we will get ready to go to concert hall.

[At 12:30pm]

I woke up first and then waked up lia. We got ready and headed to concert hall. Its currently 1pm now we will get to concert hall at 1:20pm and the fan meeting starts at 2pm and the concert at 3pm. Maybe we can roam around the concert hall. Till then i will message yeonjun oppa just for timepass.




Are you ready for the concert?

Yes ofcourse.

Then show me a great performance.😊

What do u mean?

Nothing just get ready for a surprise.😁😚

[At 2pm]

Thank god.Me and lia were last to meet them. We both were only wore mask no one else weared it i hope so the fans dont doubt us. Then our chance came to meet them I hope so yeonjun can recognize me.
All fans were gone only me and lia there so that was our chance Lia went first she talked to yeonjun first he seemed not to recognize her then i went up to meet him.

Me:Hello yeonjun oppa
Yeonjun:Hello, why are you both wearing masks?
Me:Beacuse we dont want rumours to spread around.
Yeonjun:Rumours? I didn't understand.
Me:I thought you will recognize me oppa, but i was wrong i am upset.
Yeonjun:Sorry, but have we met before?
[I was shocked by what he said he really didn't recognize me]
Me:Oppa I'm yeji.
Yeonjun:What?I'm really sorry i dint recognized you plz i'm sorry

Then he took me one hand and kissed it.
Yeonjun:I'm sorry
Me:[Whlie blushing] Its okay now.
Yeonjun:Are you also going to watch the concert?
Me:Yes ofcourse. And I am at the front row with lia.
Yeonjun:Oh good then maybe i will always be distracted. And was she lia? I dint recognized her.
Me:Okay so time is up we will go now.

Then while shaking hands he handed me a chit. I decided to open when i will be down.

Lia's POV

Soobin was the last member. If you guys dont know but we both are secretly dating i haven't told my members yet but i will tell yeji-unnie today.
My chance came to meet soobin now. So we started talking.

Soobin:Why are you wearing mask?
Me:Because i don't want to show everyone that I am talking to my boyfriend.
[He then took my hand and checked the braclet that he gave me when he proposed me.]
Soobin:Oo dear its really you.Wow i want to hug you right now.
Me:Not now many people are still here.
Soobin:Then meet me at my dressing room[While winking].
Me:I dont know where it is.
Soobin:Don't worry i will guide you through phone.
Me:Ok I will be going now time's up.

After fan meet soobin called me and i was in the hallway soobin was still on the call.

Me:Ok i am in the hallway now.
Soobin:Do you see the room on right side.
Me:Oh yes yes
Soobin:Ok come inside

Then I went in the room soobin was just seating on the sofa looking all handsome. I walked towards him and he got uped and then he hugged me tightely and kissed my head. I looked up at him and then he removed my mask with one hand and other  still on my waist he then caressed my cheeks and started coming closer and kissed me, we both closed our eyes I wrapped my hands around his neck he pulled me more close and the kiss became more passionate and intense but after some seconds we broke our kiss to catch our breathes.
Soobin:I love you
Me:I love you too.
He kissed my head last time before preparing for the concert.

Yeji's POV

Lia told that she will meet soobin and come but she still hasn't come. Till that time i decided to open the chit that yeonjun gave.

Meet me at my dressing room no.402.

I then made my way to his dressing room after passing many hallways i got the room i first knocked at door then yeonjun's voice came 'Come inside' I then went inside he was sitting at his dressing table he was alone in his room then, he looked at me through mirror and while smiling he got up from the chair. We both hugged for a minute and let go his hands still on my waist i removed my mask and he just kept staring at me then he sighed little bit i got worried so i kept my one hand on his cheek and asked "Are you okay?"
He then suddenly picked me up and made me sat on his dressing table he was standing between my legs his hand still on my waist and my hands on his shoulders.
Yeonjun:I'm sorry yeji but i don't think so i can control my feeling now. I really really love you. And I hope so you feel the same way so can you plz be my girlfriend.
[I was paused for a second by his sudden confession I was beyond happy.]
Me:Of course yeonjun. I love you too.
He pulled my in a tight hug and picked me up I wrapped my legs around him. He then again put me down on the table and his one hand on my cheeks and second on my waist I also wrapped my hands on his neck he slowly came towards me, I closed my eyes and felt his lips on mine i also responded the kiss he pulled me more closer. We became busy in kissing but suddenly the room's door got opened we both looked at the door and to see it was beomgyu he was shocked first but he again closed the door by saying "Sorry i dint see anything you both can continue." He went outside we both looked at each other first he was getting close to me to kiss again but I stoped him
Me:Stop it now. You have concert to attend otherwise you will get late.
Yeonjun: Ah whyy? Its still time for the concert. And I'm already wearing my constume and only mic is left to put it doesn't take much time.
Me:Stupid. Its already 2:45 your concert starts at 3 go and get ready with your members.
Yeonjun:Okay but it hasn't over yet baby.😏😉

Then he put me down and I hugged him last time and Told him Best of luck. He pecked my lips and we both gone out. He headed towards the staff and me towards the concert hall.

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