Chapter 17

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Yeonjun Pov

From today me and yeji were not allowed to talk for 1 week, we used to just message and video call each other. Right now I'm at practise studio and it's currently 4pm. I decided to message her..

Me: Hey, are you free?
Yeji: Yess, now I'm at our dorm today our all schedules were cancelled.
Me: Ohh...I'm at our practise studio. Wanna do video call?
Yeji: Yesssssssss.

I video called her and she picked up quickly.

Yeji: Are you overworking yourself? You're looking tired?
Me: No babe i was just practising and then i called you.
Yeji: Did you ate lunch?
Yeji: You're lying
Me: No i really ate.
Me: Okay.. I dint ate i was busy practising.
Yeji: You should go and eat now. Otherwise I will not talk to you for 3 days.
Me: You wont do that i know.
Yeji: Okay okay now go i am ending the call
Me: Okayy byeeee I love you
Yeji: Hmmmm
Me: Yahhhhh tell me that you love me too
------Call ended---------

Aisshhhh this girl...

I recieved a message from yeji

Yeji: I love you too💞 And i miss you😥😭😭😭😭😭😭
Me: Miss you too baby we will meet soon💘👍💟

And then i gone to cafeteria of our company to eat lunch.

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