Part 4 : Dead Giveaway

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I opened my eyes and I found myself in bed in a large ensuite bedroom. I felt very disoriented and as I sat up, a cold compress fell from my forehead. According to the clock, three hours had passed from my last recollection.

Next to the bed was my satchel on a chair and suddenly it all came back to me. All the revelations from Mercy.

I, am in Mercy's house...

This beautiful big place, obviously a special sanctuary for a select few, and I was in it.

I needed to speak to Mercy, and I wanted to apologise for passing out, but I was emotional and suddenly overcome. I was sleep-deprived and generally not in my right mind with all my days seemingly merging and my mind playing tricks on me. Sometimes, I was not even sure what reality was, and I would confuse dreams for recollection.

I remembered that I had seen several silver-framed photographs on her fireplace, but I could only focus on one. It was a wedding photo and it was her and Marcel, clear as day.

I was so focused on him that I didn't even see all the other faces standing around them, but I took in every detail of the two of them. In the picture, Mercy was wearing a beautiful fishtail red wedding dress with a massive veil that would cover her full body if she had it down. She wore a thick choker the length of her neck, which was covered in diamonds, along with long earrings to match. Her braids were all up in an elaborate style, leaving only a few down, and her bouquet was all black flowers which displayed her alternative leaning.

Marcel was wearing a slightly metallic grey tuxedo with a high collared regency shirt and a black PVC waistcoat. He wore a top hat, as usual, adorned with gears and a large feather. He had also obtained another chained pocket timepiece as... I have his old one. It was then I remembered the items of his in my possession at the hotel room.

I wanted to look at those pictures properly, and If he is not in them as I clearly remember, then I need to face the plain and simple fact that I must seek medical help.

I then recalled the conversation I had with Mercy, and that I am now in 'the circle'. Mercy said that she's the leader of this secretive group, and only answers to The Greek's wife Lydia who apparently, in turn, answers to only one person yet refuses to tell anyone who that person is, but Mercy runs all the major circle decisions through them. I wondered to myself who the shadowy figure at the top of the circle is.

I have decided that I just want an explanation in chronological order of that last night in the Bordello. Who did what and when from the moment Kenzo let her out of her room. I just want the truth, as once I'm in full possession of the facts, I will know what to do. I also want to meet the other circle members.

And then, there's Lennon. Who is apparently alive and in fuck-knows-what state. Strangely, he is not in the circle. Also, I can never speak to him again, but It's okay. I think I can live with that as it is for the greater good.

Even though I don't know what the deal is with Lennon just now, one thing I do know is that If he is alive, and still fully functional, then nothing could keep Lennon from Chéri, so I need to find out what's happened with that and why it has been six years and Lennon has not made a bee-line for the great love of his life.

But a sad reality that hit me is that I can also never see River again, which hurts worse than I can say. I had a son for six years, and I know he loves me. I saw him take his first steps, learn his first words. I taught him to speak and write, ride a bicycle and swim. He is more my son than anyone on this whole planet, and there will always be a void within me in regards to him.

The thought that one day he would call Lennon father was like a pin through the heart. A big part of me wished so hard that he was truly my son, even though that would mean being in a boat with Suzanne for life. I wouldn't care if it meant I had River. I did wonder how the hell Lennon was going to be told he has a six-year-old son. I bet potential fatherhood was a non-issue for him.

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