Chapter 9: Yippe ki ya mother F

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        John and his family get taken out side on the lawn of the Whitehouse. News copters circle the lawn lights on all of them. John gets forced to his knees a bloody mess covers his eyes from the lights.

       "Meet your demise!" Damien kicks John in the face. John gets up real quick getting in his face. The guards raise their guns at Holly and Lucy. "Ha uh! Be on your best behavior John!" Damien said has he punches John in the face making blood spill all over the lawn. Helicopters circle the lawn the scene being televised. Damien pulls out a phone answering it. "Oh fuck yeah!" He walks over to John "on my call I will start World War 3!" Damien laughs! "What was it you used to say? I read the article in Time magazine, oh yeah! Yippe ki ya mother Fu..." he is interrupted by John shooting him in the leg! He rolls shooting the guards. Runs up on Damien tackling him punching him in the face over and over. The news helicopter films the whole thing. John gets up going to Holly and Lucy "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Damien's men come out of the rubble firing at the McClane family.  John runs to cover grabbing the pistol he shot Damien with. He fires at the terrorists he gets shot in the arm. While John is in a fire fight Damien sneaks off getting in a car smashing through the gates. John looks back seeing the car, he fires two shots at it running from it. He trips getting up as fast as he could, the car hits him. John rolls over the top of it falling to the ground,  looking up at Damien slamming into the Whitehouse. McClane runs to the dead guard pulling off his vest grabbing a grenade pulling the pin out. "Hey Damien!" Damien, a bloody mess,  looks back. "You said it to early!" Throwing the grenade smashing the back windshield falling in the car. The car explodes! Rubble and shrapnel send John flying back. He gets on one knee looking at the destruction.


McClane said smiling and walking back to the cops and S.W.A.T.

Al runs to John catching him before he falls from exhaustion.

"John? John can you speak?"

John looks back at him blood covering the majority of his face. "A-al?"

"Yeah cowboy? "

"I'm getting too old for this shit!" John said as he began to laugh. Al, laughing,  calls over a medic. John gets cleaned up and bandages put on him. "You did good Mr. McClane" the medic said wrapping John's arm up.

"Where's Holly and Lucy?"

Gun shots are heard in the background followed by screaming. Lucy walks out holding an Ak47 assault rifle Holly by her side.  "That's my girl." McClane said smiling cops and S.W.A.T rush the Whitehouse (or what's left) arresting whoever's still alive. "Just another day in the life of John McClane" John says laughing. The medic stitches up his head. Silently whispers to himself as he cracks a slight smile.

"Yippe ki ya mother fucker"

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