chapter 4:*chakra training*

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{At a forest}
Kakashi was using crunches
Kakashi:now then,your training is

He pointed at a tree
Kakashi:your going to climb this tree

Naruto:"laughing"that's the stupidesy training I've heard this week

Kakashi:without using your hands only legs

Kakashi walked to the tree and did a hand sign and then the unexpected happened he was walking on a tree

Sakura:it's possible
Kakashi made it to the top
Kakashi:let me explain,you send chakras into your feet and you keep that chakras balanced until you reach the top it's like water walking but you guys haven't reached that level yet

Naruto:just one question sensei,what's chakras

Kakashi:you don't know what chakra is

Sasuke:and I thought you couldn't ant dumber Naruto yet you did

Sakura:let me explain dear baka,chakra is like the energy in our body that help us to create jutsu,when a ninjas chakras is low the person will be weak and won't be able to perform jutsus,now Naruto when you want to do a shadow clone,if your chakra and that of the clone isn't balanced either the clone will be pathetic or poof in one second,it depends on the amount of clone you make,if me and Sasuke kun made love I mean made one clone each and our chakra is higher than the clones it won't function properly and will just be a waste of chakra,chakra is like the life of a ninja if your chakra is drained to a certain point a ninja may die,so baka you understand

Naruto:um totally,so we have to walk on these trees

Kakashi:yep,you use your kunai to make a line on the tree on where you stopped,now start

Naruto and Sasuke dashed at the tree and Naruto fell first and made a 3 feet dash while Sasuke made a 4 and fell

Naruto:ow my head
Sasuke:i didn't think this would be so hard

Naruto:where's Sakura
Sakura:up here
They all looked up and saw Sakura made it to the top first

Sasuke:she made it
Kakashi:"just like I predicted she has good chakra reserves she could become a med" well done Sakura looks like your better than these bakas

Sasuke:no she isn't
He dashed at the tree again and so did Naruto

"4hrs later"
Naruto:"panting"my head hurts

He then walked up to Sakura
Naruto:hey Sakura chan
Sakura'huh what
Naruto:how did you do it
Sakura:"sigh"well,I focused,the reason you nor Sasuke kung is getting it is because of you guys hate to each other,if both of you were focused not trying to get to the top before the other you could have done it

Naruto:thanks Sakura chan
He walked to the tree and dashed at it and made it 10 feet

Kakashi:that's enough,let's go get dinner

{Tazunas house}
{Dining table}
Naruto and Sasuke we're eating their food as fast as they could

Naruto and Sasuke:done
They glared daggers at each other

Sakura:can you both sit down and eat like normal people

Naruto:nope I have to finish my food to go back to training

Kakashi:it's good that you guys are so full of energy but if you don't eat well your puke

Naruto:no we won't
{Next day}
Kakashi:Sakura your going with tazuna today

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