chapter 20:garra is alive

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(in the sand village)
Kankuro:what did you do naruto
He punched naruto
Sakura: naruto,hey it wasn't his fault
Temari:you damn bastard
Sakura:you better watch your mouth or I'll

She was cut off by naruto
Naruto: sakura chan
Sakura: naruto
Naruto:am sorry,I wasn't there in time to help garra

Kankuro:damn right,you fox
Naruto:but I can help him
Naruto:I was hoping you knew
Kankuro:this isn't the time to be an idiot

Chiyo:I can help him
They turned
Chiyo:I can help garra
Ebizo:we can't let the kazekage be like this

Sakura: what's wrong
Naruto:whose the kazekage
Ebizo:well it is garra
Kakashi:so how is garra doing
Chiyo:you the white fang,I won't let you do any damage

She jumped up and was about to hit kakashi with a small red ball

he used his rasengon and it blocked the attack

Naruto:what the hell old lady
Chiyo:I will not let the white fang kill us all

Kakashi: please the white fang is my father

Chiyo:hmm,no difference
Naruto:um I don't get what's happening

Baki:temari, kankuro there's trouble
Baki:the court needs you two
Chiyo:now the way to heal garra is by bringing me the oran fatsu leaf

Naruto:the what leaf
Ebizo: it's a life that always the holder to do a life transfer

Sakura:you want to transfer your life and chakra into garra

Chiyo:I must
Ebizo:it is a sad technique
Naruto: let's do it
Chiyo:you can only find the leaf at the hidden cloud village

Kakashi:the hidden cloud
Chiyo:yes but they don't allow you to take the lead so easily

Naruto:ha what ever they throw at me I'll take it down

Ebizo:hm your spirit is good but you guys will fight kumanda
Naruto:what the hell is kumanda

Sakura:woahChiyo:you will fight itNaruto:am ready(At the hidden cloud gates)Kakashi:helloGuard:who are youNaruto:we are from the leaf and we need to talk with the raikage

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Chiyo:you will fight it
Naruto:am ready
(At the hidden cloud gates)
Guard:who are you
Naruto:we are from the leaf and we need to talk with the raikage

(In raikage tower)
???:so what do what with the great ay me

Sakura: please we need the oran fatsu leaf

Ay: well you know the consequences
Naruto:we know
Ay:fine follow me

(At the battlefield)
Ay: people of the hidden cloud,we have come here to see these people fight kumanda


Ay: release kumandaKumandada:ROARRRRNaruto: let's go guysThe three ran to kumandaNaruto:multi shadow clones5000 naruto's came and they all jumped on kumanda

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Ay: release kumanda
Naruto: let's go guys
The three ran to kumanda
Naruto:multi shadow clones
5000 naruto's came and they all jumped on kumanda

Sakura:hell yeah
She jumped high and punched kumanda with the naruto's

Poof,all of the clones went
Kumanda:am not done yet
Kakashi: neither are we, lighting style: purple lighting

He ran to kumanda and was about to hit him

Kumanda:fire style:FIRE CAGE
Flame surrounded kakashi and the purple lighting disappeared

He smashed kumanda
Sakura:a clone
Then kumanda's tail pushed them all to a wall

Naruto:damn it, guys I need to use sage mode

Kakashi:so you need concentration
Sakura:will try to buy you time
He started meditating
Kakashi: lightning style: lighting blade
He went to the dragon and sliced but it had no effect.

Sakura:time to smash
She smashed the ground and an earthquake happened and it made the dragon fall

Kakashi:water style:water dragon
Kumanda:fire style:fire dragon
The two attacks collided
Sakura: naruto are you done
Then naruto's eyes turned orange and he teleported to behind the dragon

Kakashi:water style:water dragonKumanda:fire style:fire dragonThe two attacks collidedSakura: naruto are you doneThen naruto's eyes turned orange and he teleported to behind the dragon

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Naruto:multi shadow clones
500 naruto's came
Naruto 10:so are we doing our final attack we learned

Naruto:guess so
Naruto 50: alright
All the naruto's formed a giant rasengon

they all hit the dragon
Ay:did they
Kumanda:yikes that hurt
Naruto:that was my final attack
Kakashi:and it isn't even scratched
Kumanda:am stronger than you think
Naruto:fine then
He bit his thumb
Naruto: summoning technique
He summoned gamabunta
Gamabunta:what do you want,you damn kid

He saw kumanda
Gamabunta:what the hell is kumanda doing here

Naruto:long story boss,all we have to do is kick his butt

Gamabunta:that I can do
He pulled out his sword and ran to kumanda and slashed him but it had no effect

Kumanda:fire style:fire hawk
Naruto:wind style:air wind strike
He blew the fire hawk to kumanda and it hit him

Naruto:I figured out a way to beat him
Kumanda:fire style:fire cage
Naruto:wind storm:air bullet
He shot the fire back to him
Kumanda:damn it
Naruto:good, rasenshuriken
He threw the rasenshuriken and it stabbed kumanda

Kumanda:okay am down
He fell
Ay:winner is the ninjas
All:"cheering loudly"
Ay:goodjob and here you go
Sakura:thank you
(At the sand)
(In the hospital)
Chiyo:nara kata Manda lay
Her chakra was going into his
Chiyo:I don't have much chakra left
Naruto:use mine
Sakura:but naruto you used a lot of your chakra in the battle

Naruto:I don't care I just want to save garra,so please use my chakra

Chiyo:place your hands on top of mine

Naruto did so
Chiyo:now say it with me,nara kata Manda lay

Naruto:nara kata Manda lay
Both: Nara kata Manda lay
Garra's eyes opened
Garra:huh, guys
Girl:garra kun I promise to always protect you

Girl 2:no I promise
The 4 girls pushed naruto to sakura
Sakura:you know I still love you
Naruto:yeah you do
She kissed him
Garra:thank you very much naruto
Naruto:no problem
Garra then looked at chiyo
Sakura:yeah she sacrificed herself to help you garra

Garra: really
They were all walking outside with chiyo in her coffin

Garra:we have all come her for the burial of elder chiyo,the greatest elder of them all,she sacrificed herself just to save me and that makes her a real hero.

They put her in her grave
(3 hrs later)
Naruto:well bye guys
Kankuro:do you guys have to leave
Sakura: we would have loved to stay but we have to go back to konoha

Garra:till we meet again naruto
He brought out his hand for a shake and naruto was confused then sand moved his hand closer to garra and they ended up shaking each other

Naruto:till we meet again
A:wow that was a long chapter,I really hope you guys loved it

Word count:1011

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