chapter 11:Team hebi

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(at orochimaru's lab)
Sasuke:this must be the place
He walked to the tube and used his sword to cut it and a guy came out

???:huh Sasuke long time no see

Suigetsu:if am out of there that means

Sasuke:yes orochimaru is dead

Suigetsu:wow,you give me chills,so what now

Sasuke:since I've freed you I have a plan

Suigetsu:fill me in
Sasuke:later let's go get Karin
Suigetsu:that woman
Sasuke:let's go
(In a prison)
Suigetsu:wow this place was really far

Sasuke:shut up,let's go
They entered and found a woman

???:Sasuke and suigetsu
Sasuke:Karin hello
Suigetsu:hey Teddie
Karin:shut up suigetsu you idiot

Sasuke:we need you for a mission

Karin:I would follow you everywhere Sasuke

Suigetsu:so you'll follow us
Karin:I didn't say I'd follow you

Sasuke:so your not coming
Karin:well I have to handle this damn prison

Sasuke:suigetsu go free all the prisoners

Suigetsu:sure Mr Bossie pants

He left
Sasuke:so now will you come
Karin:yes Sasuke kun
(At a forest)
Suigetsu:Sasuke am really tired can we rest

Karin:shut your lazy ass up
Sasuke:Karin you know where we are going right

Karin: actually you guys never told me

Sasuke: we're going to one of orochimaru's hideouts to get jugo

Suigetsu:if jugo's in there this won't be easy

Sasuke:well, let's rest for a while
Karin:Sasuke why do you need us all
Sasuke:I need to be strong to take control and I need strong teammates to help me

Suigetsu:wow that's the first ever compliment you've given us

Sasuke: let's get some sleep
(The next day)
(At a prison)
Suigetsu:yep this is the place
Karin: what's going on
Then they saw 50 cursed mark experiments that ran to them

Cursed 1:kill them
Sasuke:grr, suigetsu let's end these things

Suigetsu:sure,water style:water dragon

A water dragon flew and hit 20 cursed fails to a wall

Sasuke:fire style:great fire ball
He shot 5 fire balls that burnt 10 cursed fails

Suigetsu:water style:great void
A wave of water pushed 20 cursed fails to the wall

Karin:guys I found the way to jugo's cell

Sasuke: let's go
They all ran to the hall and saw jugo in curse mark stage 1

Jugo:guys,you will die today

Sasuke:jugo stop this now
Jugo:how,it was only her that could control but she's dead

Sasuke:even without her you can still control yourself

Jugo slowly transformed
Jugo:thank you Sasuke,she did say that someone will be able to control me and that's you

Sasuke:now that we are complete let's go

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