The Hunter's Forest

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He bursts through the TV, landing on the ground

The feel of the grass on his hands was familiar, had he been here before?

he was trying to comprehend what just happened and noticed a figure in front of him

There was a little girl standing there, she said nothing and merely looked at him

Before he could get a good look at her, she ran off


He called after her, he wanted answers and he would get them one way or another

He ran after her

She ran and ran, but he quickly caught up

He would have grabbed her but he tripped on a rock, giving her enough time to run off into the mist and leave him behind

He tried to get up and follow after her but she had completely disappeared

He was confused


he called into the mist, but nobody responded

He sighed

He sat down on a nearby log, trying to figure out what just happened, when all of a sudden he heard a voice calling from the mist


He jumped slightly at the sudden noise, he slowly walked into the mist, calling for whoever made that noise


He kept walking

He noticed that their were bear traps and cages all around the place, they weren't much danger seeing as something had already set the traps off, so he was able to get through the forest with ease

The forest started to clear up and he found himself standing in front of a seemingly abandoned cabin, where he saw the little girl climbing in through a window

He followed her into the cabin, but she disappeared yet again

The house smelled like death and spoiled milk, but that was nothing compared to whatever was rotting in those traps in the forest

He made his way through the house, it was eerily quiet, except for a few creaks of the floorboards

He soon realized the creaks weren't coming from just him, they were coming from downstairs

He followed the sound downstairs into the room he had first found...her...

And standing there in the middle of the room was the girl, holding a broken music box in her hands


He called for her, she placed the music box down and turned around


She responded, he signaled for her to follow him

She walked up to him and grabbed his hand

She wasn't the nicest to me
She would always call me names
"Loser" being a favorite of hers
Everytime she would catch me from falling
I would here her say
"Don't worry, I won't drop you, you're still useful to me"
I used to think it was a sort of cruel joke of hers...
But now I realize she wasn't joking

The hunters house was a disturbing place, it had humans that were stuffed and deformed

The girl didn't seem to mind, in fact she would even wave at the dead humans as if they were still alive

They made it to the room where a rotting piece of flesh sat on the table, it looked as though someone was ripping it apart

It was a disturbing sight, and they weren't too keen on staying around to find out who that someone was

They left the room and walked outside into the grass with caution

there were broken crates laying around the place, it looks like something had destroyed them

This only scared them more, and they decided to sneak through the grass just in case something really was there

After a long while, they found a horrid sight

There was what seemed to be a man dead on the ground, he wore a bag over his head, but they knew for a fact something terrible hides underneath

Blood was pooling out of the bag, this man was deader then dead, no denying that

The man was lying in front of an old shack

The door to the shack was broken, and they couldn't open it

The girl was able to find a crack in the wall, and called for him to check it out

"Psst! Hey!"

Luckily they were small enough to fit through, they made their way out of the back window

Their was a door laying on the sand, it seemed to have washed up here

There was nowhere to go besides the river that stood before them, so they pushed the door into the water and jumped on it

And they slowly floated away from the horrors that hid in that cabin

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