chapter 45

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Happy reading beautifuls...

"Sari ki sari meri hai tu!
Tujhko kabhi na ma bantun!♥️"

Author's  p.o.v

"Guys  tomorrow is Sunday. What we will be doing?"
Hoorain asked sitting beside Tabeer on sofa across Arsum and Wali.

"Krngy daruuuu partyyy!!!"

(Will do wine party!!!)

Wali shouted enthusiastically.

"I guess you haven't got over with your last night's  hang over."
Tabeer said giving high five to Hoorain.

"Shut up!"
Wali said making faces.

"Stop taking the name of auch yhings again and again or else I will tell dad."
Hoorain threatened him.

"Areyyy jao peenay k bad to ma apny baap ki bhi nahi sunta!"

(I don't listen to my dad after drinking!)

Wali shrugged.

"Is it so???"
Just the  someone patted his shoulder.

A scream left his mouth upon turning around.

Haider took cushion and threw at Wali who was now running like  a blind bull.


"Ali! I have got something to tell you!"
Mahi said sitting beside Ali on sofa with thud.

"Go ahead!"
He said without raising his head.

"Listen na!!!"
She said.

"I am listening you and only you baby!"
Ali said referring to the silence in the room.



She threw her arms around his neck frustratingly and turned his face towards her.

Ali raised brow.

"I hate it when you are with me but still being attentive towards something else."
She said in an authorities manner.

"Fine man!"
He Humphed and pulled down the screen of laptop and put it on central table.

"Now say!"
He said putting his arms around her waist.

"Actually I was thinking that why not celebrate our reception in a unique way?"
She said thoughtfully.

"What do you mean? You wnat your reception to be held on moon?"
Ali mocked her.

"Ganjay insan!!!"

(Bald man!)

She whispered to herself before SLAPPING his head tightly destroying his million dollars hair style.

"I am trying to be serious here."
She glared hard at him.

"And I am trying to be romantic here but how can you digest the fact that Ali is in good mood? Way to ruin mood!"
He said withdrawing  his arms back to himself and sat straight pulling himself out of her grip.

"Acha na sorry!!!"
She quickly said and held her hands.

" Stay away! You 're getting way top much abusive now a days!  Just like a wild cat!"
Ali said glaring at her.

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