Chapter 3

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"Wo itni dur rehny wala shakhs,
Takraya bhi to, sedha dil se!❤"

Author's p.o.v

It was 4 in morning but whole Khan villa was filled with laughter and gusto.

All were beyond happy to have their Ali back while Samahir was contunously at all.

Samahir's mouth fell opened looking at Wali and Mahir who just woke up and ran directly into Ali as if they would have died with out him.

"Party badal liye salayy!!!"

(They changed the party!!)

She murmured to herself putting her hands on her hips.

She still hadn't faced Ali.

Standing up she went towards her room, locked it and went in deep slumber with a frown.


"Mom I Am going uni today."
Samahir said coming towards dining with her bag pack on her shoulder.

"O my Allah!! What my holy ears are hearing? "
Arsum exaggerated.

"Ask your deaf ears!!"
She rolled her eyes.

"Alright come have your breakfast and then Mahir will drop you. He is too going to hospital."
Her mother said and she nodded.

She was about to take a seat when Ali came entered in dinning hall and that's when she stepped back.

She wanted to go university because she wanted to stay away from him. She didn't want to face him. Facing him used to make her angry.

"Its ok I will eat in university."
She said and went out.

She could feel someone's burning gaze following her every step until she left the hall.

She knew who it must be so she didn't bother to react.

"Hyy Mahi!!"
Major chirped as she jumped in car.

Mahi didn't answer and started scrolling through Instagram.

Mahir ignited the engine.

"You know what? Who went to receive Ali from air port?"
Mahir said and Samahir's head snapped towards him.

She raised brow.

"Offcourse uour one and only charming cousin Mahir Yusha Khan!!!"
He held his collar proudly.

"Are you free today?"
She asked out of blue.

"Yeah for sometime but why you are asking?"
He asked confused.

"Then please use that time and go die somewhere. You betrayer!!"
She said glaring him.

Just then Mahir realized what he was telling and to whom.

He looked at her amused who was glaring at window with face red with anger.

After driving for more 10 minutes Mahir stopped car infront of her university.

"Want me to come inside?"
Mahir asked.

"Get lost!!!"
She rolled her eyes slamming car's door back.

"This girl and her anger!!"
Mahir laughed shaking his head.


It's been a week since Ali returned.

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