Chapter 24

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Happy reading beautifuls.....

"Ishq fakiron ko badshah krdy!
Sab zanjiron se azad sa krdy!♥️"

Author's p.o.v

Ali kept his eyes glued to the tiny red spot light which was dancing from one point to other but he didn't move.

Samahir was contiously blabbering but when she found him silent for so long she looked at him.

"Why are you.."
Samahir saw him looking intently somewhere and followed his gaze.

As soon as her eyes landed on her hand a horrific color passed by her face.

She knew what it means.

"Ali.. Ali!!"
She whispered hardly.

She was about to move her hand when they heard a gun shot.

Samahir Closed her eyes and waited to feel the pain bit begore that Ali pulled her in his lap and the water bottle in her hand burst in the air.

After colliding with bottle bullet fell down while Samahir clenched Ali's jacket tightly.

Ali was looking straight in the direction from where bullet was fired and till now many soldiers had ran on the direction and many surrounded the campus.

"Everything is ok!!!"
Ali whispered near her ear who was still in his lap with her head hidden in his chest.

She pulled back slowly.

The fact that she was the target made her flinch.

She nodded and stood up.

Ali took his gun out from his jeans and loaded it pulling her behind him.

"Why you didn't tell me that I was the target?"
She asked as soon as realization hit her.

Ali remained quite while looking here and there completely alert.

" You wanted me to die??"
A lump started forming in her throat.

"Let's go back!!"
He said turning towards her.

He had idea that shooter must have ran away cause what he wanted to do he already did.

" No need to bother! I will go alone!!"
She said blinking tears away and ran towards her hostel.

Ali knew that what she was thinking was completely opposite of teal situation.

He wanted the shooter to shoot so that he could measure the range from where bullet was fired.

He sighed and called Zain.

"In the ground now!!"
Ali hung up.

Within a minute Zain was there with 3 other soldiers.

Ali took plastic gloves from Ramish and wore them.

He bent down and took the bullet in his hand.

"It was fired from PSR-90 Sniper rifle."
Ali murmured while examining the gun.

"PSR-90 Sniper rifle???"
Zain along with Hannan and Ramish asked confused.

" Yes!! This rifle has the accuracy of a sniper rifle and the firepower of a machine gun."

"How you are so much sure?"
Ramish asked.

" Let me tell you one thing. Most modern handguns and rifles are manufactured based on blueprints that specify their configurations. One of these specifications is a characteristic known as rifling, which refers to the spiral lands and grooves placed into the firearm's barrel to impart a spin on the bullet for accuracy. The number of lands and grooves and the direction in which they twist, either right or left, can be determined by observing the rifling engravings in the barrel. "

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