After breakup | headcanons #8

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This idea is only thanks to "don't call me" by shinee.
SHINEE'S BACK *absolutely fangirling rn*
and also by "왜왜왜" by iKON because we need the love and hate parts.


love way
- he had absolute break down
- still not okay, he loved you so much
- ghost without soul

hate way
- you tried to reach him, he straight up said that it doesn't matter, you're nothing to him now
- if he sees you he act like you don't exist


love way
- he distanced himself from Reki and others
- didn't want to eat
- still sends you messages for good night

hate way
- when he saw you in the shop he death glared at you
- when you try to approach him he just straight up went away


love way
- spills everything to group
- Reki and Kojiro were trying to cheer him up
- even though he's young, he truly loved you

hate way
- you tried to tell him something? ignoring
- gossip about you everywhere he can don't give a fuck about your feelings
- you're dead to him


love way
- get absolutely drunk
- you are all he talks about all the time
- everyday have your favourite food for dinner

hate way
- you once came to his restaurant. without hesitation kicks you out
- clearly giving hate vibe
- want to beat you in the race


love way
- get blacked drunk at Kojiro's restaurant
- have your picture as a wallpaper
- don't say it loud but he's breaking more and more every day

hate way
- you called him, he answered simply "don't call me, you're nothing"
- blocks you everywhere
- if he sees you, he do that "ts" and go away

idk what to write here 

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