Characters as fairy tales | headcanons #11

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Characters as Czech traditional fairy tales because I have no ideas

- Jak se budí princezny (1978)
- adaptation of sleeping beauty
- the main song reminds me of him so much

- Zlatovláska (1973)
- adaptation of Goldilocks
- please, Langa is same clueless like Jiřík

-  Kouzla králů (2008)
- original fairy tail
- Miya is saver like Tadeáš
- I want him to sing Buchet je spousta

- Šíleně smutná princezna (1968)
- original fairy tail
- pretty boy like prince Václav, you can't prove me that he will not act like him

- S čerty nejsou žerty (1985)
- original fairy tail
- I have no idea why, but when I saw ad to this one and this whole idea came
- he's smart like Petr
- Kojiro is definitely singing "Petře, Petříčku můj milí, my bychom se k sobě, my bychom se k sobě hodili~" to Kaoru
[translate: Peter, Peter (sweet way) my beloved, we would we would look so good together]

now I want to sing every soundtrack I know

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