Taking My Kitten Home~ (eddiexgaege) Part 3

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Hello! 。゚(TヮT)゚/。 I apologies, I haven't posted Part 3 way sooner, something important had came up in irl and it had stopped me from making part 3, I kinda made part 3 long I was gonna cut some out and put it in part 4 but I'm was to lazy and didn't so yee, and don't worry \(✧u✧)/  I'm Back! Hope yall like cringe (`ω')


>Eddie Pov<

Our eyes were still locked together, I couldn't pull away from his shimmering green eyes. It felt like we were staring at each other for a long time. Then a voice came from behind me, I turned around breaking our eyes apart, it was the Old man from behind the counter, he was looking at the cat in front of me. He cleared his throat before speaking and said.

"It was the first time he has ever turned around, since he got here."

I responded with, "What do you mean sir?"

He turned his head away from the cage, and turned to face me saying

"My old friend had been taking care of this cat, but sadly he had a heart attack on the way to the grocery store, a few day later his neighbor had bring him here."

"My apologies for your lost..", I said

He chucked a little.

"No need to apologize young man.", He turned back to the cat and began to talk again.

"Ever since two month ago, when he was put in that cage, he would always have his back turned against customers that would come visit."

"Your the first person he ever turned around for," he said

I was surprised when he told me, I turned towards the cage and saw the cat, he was still sitting there staring at us, it felt as if he knew what we were talking about.

>Gaege Pov<

I was listening to the conversation the owner of the store was having with the human (Eddie), I never knew he was an old friend of my owner. I felt a bad for treating him rudely, but I notice something when the human with messy hair (Eddie) was talking his voice had a calming tone, I had started to feel myself get warm inside (He getting those warm fuzzies \(≧∀≦)/ !!), I was confused...what am I feeling.

>3rd Pov<

The owner of the store had told Eddie the cat's name was Gaege, and he told Eddie he had found a collar on Gaege's neck, but had taken it off in case if someone took him in, they could name him something else if they wanted. But Eddie thought the name Gaege goes perfect with the cat's soft looking dark brown brown fur and shining green eyes and small cute pink nose. Eddie had made his final decision, he wasn't sure whether or not he should take Gaege. Eddie turned around to take a glimpse at Gaege, Gaege was still staring at him, deep inside Eddie's chest he wanted to see Gaege shining green eyes everyday and feel his soft fur everyday. Eddie's heart  spoke out for him before he knew it.

"I take him," said Eddie

The old man let out a small chuckle.

"Looks like you two are gonna be starting a new adventure," he said

"I go grab a carrier and some supplies you need," said the old man

"Thank you very much sir!" said Eddie

Eddie watched as the old man walked to the back of the store.

>Eddie Pov<

Before I knew it, I said yes. I can't believe I'm doing this, I pulled out my wallet and let out a small sigh.

The old man came out with a carrier and a handful of supplies, I ran towards him taking almost everything out of his hands but the carrier.

"Let me help you sir!" I said

He looked up at me saying, "Such a helpful young man, Thank you"

I chuckled to myself telling him.

"How could I let an elder carry all this stuff and not help him" 

We both laughed.

>Gaege Pov<

I heard laughing, it was the owner of the store and the Human (Eddie), the human was carrying a bunch of supplies and the old man was carrying a carrier. I thought to myself was the human gonna take home one of the other animals here, my guts told me to call out for him before it was too late, I wanted to keep this warm feeling for a little while longer. 

"Take me Please!", I meowed out loud

Before I knew it, I was yelling loudly over and over again and pounding against the cage, I felt my chest getting tighter and tears falling down my face.

>Eddie Pov<

As I was placing the supplies on the counter I heard a really loud meowing and banging against a cage, I looked at the old man, he also heard the loud meowing. We headed towards the cat section and it was Gaege, he was meowing loudly tears were running down his face, he was banging against the cage. Seeing him in tears made my chest hurt. The old man walked up to the cage and was about to open it, when I yelled.

"Are you sure its ok to open it?!"

He nodded his head and opened it, Gaege leaped past the old man and towards me, I was surprised when he jumped out into my direction, I caught him into my arms, hopeing not to miss him. Gaege had placed his head in my chest, his cute pink paws stuck to me like glue, not letting go of me. '/(º﹃º)

"It looks like he missed you," said the old man has he chuckled. 

I looked down at Gaege, he had fallen asleep in my arms, I pulled his chin up and wiped his tears away and set his chin down gently. I started to get excited, wondering what new beginning this cute kitten will bring me. I turned towards the old man and asked How much was all this gonna be, and he replied with a. 

"No need to pay, you can take him and the supplies for Free." 

"No please let me pay." I said

He placed his hand on my shoulder and said, "You're taking care of my old friend's pet as long as you treat Gaege better than I have, you don't have to pay for anything."

As our conversion ended I felt bad for not being able to pay for any of this stuff, we walked towards the counter and I placed Gaege into the carrier trying not to wake him up and the old man packaged all the supplies in big bags. Once we were done I thanked him for everything and walked out the store, as the glass door was shutting I saw him wave goodbye, I nodded my head goodbye and we headed home to start a new beginning.

To Be Continued!!

If you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed reading! ^ω^, this is "My Kitten~!" Part 3

I try getting part 4 done this following week. (*`^'*) If you have any ideas for part 4 or any other ideas, feel free to tell me! I like hearing others ideas and I know I probably be running out of ideas soon lol. 

My Kitten~! (EddiexJuicy)Where stories live. Discover now