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Felt like I had been stuck with in this place for eternity when in reality it had only been no less than two days and here I was, already feeling depressed and wanting find an escape route. I needed a way to get out of here before one of the men slipped up and revealed their face to me and then I'd be stuck here forever or I'd be dead and dying wasn't in my plans.

One of the guys had left the door open so I assumed I was no longer a prisoner in this room and so, I headed out, walking down the large see through glass stairs, I headed towards where all of the noise was coming from and of course all of the guys were in the living room, drinking what seemed to be straight hard liquor and once they realised I had went downstairs, they all stopped and stared at me. All of them wearing their ski masks, of course they knew since they left the door to the room I was in open that there was a chance of me going down there and so, they were prepared for me to not see their faces and I was thankful for that as I had not thought about it.


I couldn't have said that any more awkward if my life depended on it.

Two of them were playing call of duty on the PS4 and the other four were sitting by the fireplace drinking away their life.

Xenon, although he still seemed to be in pain, he was acting like nothing had happened as he sat there staring at me.

"What you waiting for? Come join us. Adam go fet Raph go get the little girl a glass for her drink."

Emmi said as he gestured for me to go over to them and so I did, but I didn't walk over to the group of guys sitting by the fireplace, I went over to the guys who were playing call of duty, determined to beat their ass as I was good at this game, I challenged them and the other guys surrounded us, hyping me up the moment the controller came into my hand and within thirty minutes, I was already kicking them down and the more we played, the more they rage quit. Honestly, if these weren't a bunch of bank robbers, killers that were holding me hostage and currently wearing ski masks, I would've said that was the most fun I had for a while but I knew better to get too comfortable and so, getting up from the bean bag, I looked over to Xenon as I asked him if we could speak privately and he thankfully obliged.

"I know that you're the one who needs to give the heads up on me being able to leave so can you do that? I've been here for more than necessary, I haven't saw any of your faces and I don't know anything about either of you, you escaped the cops so, my stay here is absolutely pointless."

Xenon looked at me with disappointment circling his eyes as he said-

"You already want to leave us?"

I wasn't sure if he was mocking me or not.

"Thing is princess, we can't take you back just yet, the cops are everywhere looking for us and mostly you, give it some time for everything to cool down and we'll take you back."

Something told me that he was being honest but at the same time, I didn't want to spend time with these people anymore. Knowing that one of them had killed Rose, even though I had tried not to think about her, I tried keep my heart from tearing at the thoughts of her but the more I tried to distract myself, the more I saw killers in each and every single one of these guys and the person they had murdered was close to me and I couldn't pretend like it hadn't happened anymore.


I said simply, I knew that I couldn't change his mind so there was no point negotiating with him but I did want to know one thing-

"Which one of you pulled the trigger on my friend?"

Taken aback by my question, Xenon let out a loud sigh as he leaned back against the door, we were stood outside and the fresh air was doing very little to calm my nerves as I began to relive Rose's death as she got killed right in front of me.

"The answer to that question isn't going to bring her back."

And with that, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back inside the house before I even got the chance to object. I needed to know who had killed my friend, I wanted to know but I guess I wasn't getting any answers out of Xenon and so, for now, I laid off.

Leaving them to their little party, I went back to the room they had given me because truly, I was bummed out, the more I thought about my situation and Rose, the more everything sunk in, I really was being held hostage and Rose really had been shot right before my very own eyes so why was it that none of it was getting to me as much as it should've been. I should've been crying, I should've been afraid for my life, but nothing. I was just numb and I didn't understand why.

I must've been awake for hours until eventually the guys had gone quiet and went to sleep, apparently they forgot to lock my door and so, I made my way out of the room, what I should've really been doing was trying to escape but what I was actually trying to do was grab a drink of water. I wasn't stupid, I knew how these things went. I'd run out of here, catch the attention of one of them, they'd come looking for me and either one of them would catch me and probably kill me or I'd get lost and die from hypothermia or starvation. We had travelled a long way to get to this place and I knew from memory that we were literally in the middle of no where so escaping was not an option, not if I wanted to live to see another day and so, the glass of water would do for now.

Wishing that I'd never been thirsty enough to leave that room and aim for the kitchen, I stood there frozen as I came face to face with an unmasked man.

From his build and height, I assumed that this was Emmi, grey eyes, dark brown short hair, sharp jaw and facial hair. Although he was attractive, that was the least of my thoughts as I realised that now as he saw me see him, he knew that I knew his face and that only meant one thing; danger.

Turning on my heels and keeping my back to him, I breathed in my stress.

"I didn't see anything, it's dark and I'm sleepy please, let's walk away from this."

But before I could try to defend myself anymore, he grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him, making me face him as I tried to cover my face but he knew I had already saw him clearly and so, he pushed away my hands saying-

"It's too late."

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