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Awaking to the commotion downstairs, I hurried and put my ski mask on in case Asha was down there, jumping into a sprint, I ran down the stairs and when I followed the voices, I came to find Emmi and Asha going at it like they were in a war zone, with Asha running away as soon as she saw me and Emmi chasing after her and that's when I noticed... he didn't have his mask on.



"Emmi go get the other guys, I'll go after her!"

I growled out as I started to run after the girl who was now out of my sight, she couldn't get away, if she ran off and somehow managed to make it back to civilisation, she could turn Emmi into the cops.

"Where are you?!"

I ran out the the door and into the jungle, searching for our little hostage, it was too dark to see anything and she was small enough to be able to hide just anywhere but she wasn't quick enough because from a distance I could see her silhouette running through the trees and so I ran after her, chasing her down, I managed to get to her before she could get further in the jungle.

"Let go! Let me go! I won't say anything!"

She yelled out as she started to flail her arms around, kicking her legs out while I picked her up and and threw her over my shoulder, carrying her back to the house.


What was I suppose to do with her now? Why had we been stupid enough to leave her door unlocked in the middle of the night. Internally punching myself for allowing this situation to get out of hand, I ignored her pleas and violent outburst of kicking and screaming while I walked back into the house, dropping her on the sofa as the the other guys surrounded us, Emmi had put his mask back on, not sure why as she had already saw his face but I didn't ask and instead, we all kept her surrounded as she eyed us down like we were a pack of wolves about to eat her and maybe, we were.

Looking over to the rest of the guys, they all seemed rather annoyed with the situation, all of our fists clenched in sync, we glanced towards each other in silence trying to think of what was the best thing to do but when Adam drew his gun and pointed it at her, the entire place corrupted into chaos, with Asha sitting there silently in shock as she kept her eyes on the gun in Adam's hand, I jumped in front of her, guarding her from the gun as I called Adam off.

"Don't! Don't shoot her."

I hissed as I eyed Adam down, he wasn't backing off and this meant we had trouble.

"She saw Emmi's face, you know what that means right? As soon as she escapes or we let her go, she will bring the cops right back to us!"

Adam yelled out, anger laced in his voice, he was right but I wasn't going to let him kill her, I wasn't going to let any of them touch her.

"Back off Adam, I'm warning you."

I stepped towards him, letting the barrel of his gun dig into my chest as I closed the gap between us while he stared me down, not willing to back down.

"Adam drop it."

Sacha said as he put his hand over Adam's gun while the other guys stood on alert, ready to launch if Adam decided to shoot me but fortunately for him, he lowered his gun, putting it back in his waistband as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"None of you are to harm her. Am I clear?"

I looked from Adam to the rest of the guys as they all nodded their heads in agreement except Adam and so I pulled out my pocket knife and flung it open as I held it against his throat,


This time, he wasn't willing to risk not responding and so, he angrily said yes and with that, I pulled the knife back and turned towards Asha who was still sitting there in shock. I'm sure she had just saw her life flash before her eyes so she must've been terrified although she looked more frozen than anything else.

"So where do we go from here?"

Raph asked as he sat down on the table, eyeing Asha down, we all were eyeing her down, I'm sure she felt as uncomfortable as ever.

"I'll figure it out but right now, we can't risk her escaping."

We were discussing her like she wasn't sat right there listening to us but the moment she gained her senses back, she bolted into a sprint, jumping off the sofa, I'm not sure where she was planning to escape to, knowing damn well that we'd catch up with her we did, with all of us running after her except Adam, I grabbed her in my arms but this time she fought me with everything she had until I smacked her head into the wall, causing her to pass out instantly.


I didn't want to hurt her but she wasn't going to calm down.

Scooping her up in my arms, I carried her back to the sofa, laying her down on there, I brushed aside her hair before I noticed all of the guys were looking at me.

"What's with you?"

Adam was the first to speak and I didn't want to hear his voice right now, he almost shot the little girl and for that, I was still severely pissed off with him.

"We've held hostages before and you've never protected them like this, remember the last girl we held hostage? Who was the one who shot her when she escaped?"

He bellowed out into the silence, clearly mad at me for risking us getting caught by the police for a girl.

"Shut the fuck up Adam."

I'm sure he heard the threat behind the tone of my voice because he went quiet, not bothering me anymore, I asked Hugo to bring me over some ropes and with that, I tied Asha up, her ankles and wrists behind her back, I couldn't risk her running away so for now, she was going to stay this way.

"Keep watch on her but leave her be, no one touch her."

I said as I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom, grabbing my pills, I swallowed them down, more than necessary but my mind was beginning to play tricks on me and the voices were coming back. I needed to control myself because if I lost control,

No one was safe.

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