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THE MOMENT— I open my eyes, I am no longer laying on my soft bed instead of standing in the middle of nowhere with only a bunch of trees and bushes surrounding me.

Chirp, chirp...

The sound of birds chirping and leaf rustling is the only thing that can be heard, and maybe... a roaring of wild animals echoed, signaling they felt a certain prey have stepped onto their territory. Of course, without further, I move my leg to run and run aimlessly at least far from where the growling sound is.

Stepping onto a small rock and tree branches didn't help as she yelped and winched at the pain, her hair kept flowing along with her movement as she gulps onto her saliva in the spur of moments.

She slows down her pace as she arrives in front of the river without anywhere to go to the other side after some inspection to see if there is any bridge. She sighs before realizing her clothes were completely different before she fell asleep on her bed.

She walks up to the river and looks down to see her reflection, she was wearing a white plain dress with her hair loose. She blinks and twirls around to confirm something before giving a bitchslap her cheeks leaving a red sting mark on her that she regrets.

"Where the fuck am I..." she mumbled, after a couple of minutes of staring at her reflection while debating whether she got kidnap, assaulted, or something. She begins walking following the river stream, hoping to find an end of the forest to get out.

After all, she doesn't have many options to start since she is not an adventurous person to know the way of surviving as she is a more introverted person.

A chatter was heard making you perk up at the voice and pick up your paces as you hold up your dress to run faster. Two women, you assume maids by the way they dress, come to your vision as soon as you can get out from the forest. Upon seeing them, you lit up and shouted to gain their attention.

'Whoever residing around this area must be rich to have a maid...' you thought, 

"Hey, I need your help! I am lost, can you tell me where to get out from here!?" You say as soon you arrive at their side but get ignored as the two maids kept chattering to each other without any care.

You frown at their rudeness and huffed, you raised your hand to grab them—  but it went past them instead.

Your eyes widen in shock, averting your eye to stare at your palm. Your mind was like on a roller coaster, debating what just happened just now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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