Chapter 4

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Ever since yesterday I never stoped thinking about darnell. Let me re frase that ever since he hurt his leg at practice i haven't stoped think about darnell and the by itself scares me. That and my arm is what was throwing me off but i couldn't admit to either of them. Spencer keeps calling me to ask if im okay and I've been ignoring them untill today. Today was the Crenshaw community cook out hosted by mrs james so I had to go. A few hours before it was time i started walking there. I didnt want to go so early but people talk and send dirty looks if your not. I don't have time for that on everything else. Once i got there i put my phone on silent and looked around. The first thing i saw was a group of kids playing football, i walked over catching the ball as it flew towards me.

  They all turned towards me and came running " get him" Dillon said laughing

They all tackled me to the ground grabbing the ball making me groan " ow" i said making them laugh

They all got off and i stood up " mabye yall she be the ones playing on the team" i said dusting myself off as they all ran off

One kid stayed behind I think his name was derrick " do you really think I could play on a real team" He asked

I looked down nodding " yeah, as long as you keep working at it. But it dosent matter what I think. You gotta think so too" i said

Derrick smiled " thanks Chris" he said before running off

I smiled walking over to where the adults were sitting. Spencers mom looked over at me laughing " did they get ya down Chris" she asked

I nodded laughing " a little to hard I think" i said sitting down at the table

Mrs James smiled " remindes me how have you been doing sense the incident? Any accidents? Anyone helping you" she asked

I smiled shaking my head i could tell by the look on her face that she knew about what happened with Darnell " ive been on top of my a game" i said sarcastically

She laughed looking at me " you know if you helped Darnell and he helps you.. That should be something to take advantage of" she said

I looked at her confused "what do you mean" i asked

Mrs james shrugged " well i dont know but having a friend to depend on and having him depend on you will build your friendship and make it easier to trust" she said

I nodded " yeah i guess your right but it's just weird around him" i said

She smiled looking at me confused " now what do you mean" she asked

I sighed looking down at the table " hes just... Nice and funny, he offered to help me up when i tripped and he gets worried about me"  I said

Mrs James smiled " that's sweet" she said

I shook my head " i-its not sweet.. Its concerning" i said



Mrs james left a few hours earlier to go to the cook out and Spencer kept trying to drag me off of the couch cause i wasnt going.

  Spencer grabbed my legs pulling me " its for the community now get up" he said

I shook my head " nah and you really need to work out more" I said

Spencer rolled his eyes letting go of my legs and grabbed my arm pulling me off of the couch making me groan. I stood up and crossed my arms.

  Spencer sighed " you have to talk to Chris eventually so lets go" he said

I looked down nodding my head " alright fine" i said grabbing my phone

Spencer followed me and we left the house, i didnt talk much on the way because the worry in me was starting to kick in. Once we got there the first thing i saw was mrs James and Chris sitting at one of the tables. She looked up at me and guestered me over before standing up and walking off to where they were cooking.

Spencer noticed where I was looking and laughed " go" he said pushing me gently

I laughed looking back at Chris " alright" i said starting to walk over

I walked to the table and sat in front of him, chris looked up at me not saying anything. We sat there for a second not saying anything.

  Chris sighed " what man? You can't just sit there and not say anything your gonna make me think your mad at me" he said

I shrugged " you didn't look like you were ready to talk so i was going to wait" i said

Chris smiled putting his head in his hands " stop doing that" he said

I looked at him confused " stop doing what" i asked

Chris sighed " it was easier when we hated eachother so why can't we just go back to that" he said

"Because i dont hate you,I just want to know what's wrong... What i did" I said

Chris rolled his eyes " you didnt do anything wrong and thats the problem" he said


Thank you for reading!

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