Part 2

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As we get to the airport Elton pulls out his camera
Elton- "ok guys we are here at the airport in LA, we are gonna go see the boys."
Elton points the camera at me who is on my phone talking to my friend Jamie. I look at the camera then turn my phone away from it
Elton- "Are you taking to your boyfriend?"

You- "No, omg i've been single for 21 years and I'd like to keep it that way."

Elton looks at the camera
Elton- "You here that guys she's single"

You- "And I'd like to keep it that way"

Elton laughs and then turns the camera off, Elton and I get out of the car and grab our stuff. We walked to through security and hangout in the terminal waiting for Elton's friends. While I'm just chillin on my phone I see 4 tall guys walking towards us. Elton stands up and goes up to them and hugs them all.
Elton- "Guys, I haven't seen y'all in so long."

??- "Yea, it's been since the Colorado Trip"

Elton- "Yea, wait hold on"
Elton walks over to me grabs his camera and grabs my hand helping me up, and walks towards them.

Elton- "This is my friend Y/N, she's been my friend since like middle school."

You- "Hi"
I look at them all examining them, the one with the bright blue hair really caught my eye. I looked at him and started to blush. He looked at me then down and giggled.

Corey- "Hi, I'm Corey
Sam- "I'm Sam"
Jake- "Hello, I'm Jake"

The blue headed guy looks up, he looked at my outfit then looked at my eyes.
Colby- "Hey, I'm Colby"

I look down at my feet, because I'm kinda shy when it comes to meeting new people.

The caller said, "everyone who is boarding plane AC163 please get in line"
We all got in line Elton & Me in the front, Jake & Corey behind us and Sam & Colby in the back. I turn around to talk to Corey and out of the corner of my I see Colby starting at me.
Corey- "So Y/N, why are you so short."

You- "No, omg I'm not short you're just tall"

Corey laughs and looks at me

Corey- "No, you're short"

I laugh and look behind Corey seeing Colby giggling and blushing. We all board the plane and I sit in my assigned seat that is right next to Colby. I sit down and put my bag under my seat, Colby sits next to me and turns behind him
Colby- "how long is the plane ride"

Elton- "about 5 hours"

Corey- "5 hours"

You- "where are we even going?"

Elton- "surprise"

I look at Colby and smile, He does the same back.

(About 1 hour later)

Colby and I have been talking the whole time, we talked about life and we talked about our careers. I learned he makes youtube videos with Sam, and he lives in an apartment complex with Sam as his neighbor.

Colby- "Yea me and Sam have been friends since Middle school."

You- "Same with me, Elton and I have been friends since Middle School too"

Colby- "That's so awesome."

You- "Yea it is"

Colby- "So like where do you think we're going?"

You- "Hopefully to get food."

Colby laughed and looked down
You- "why you keep looking down?"

Colby- "Oh, Nothing."

You- "No tell me"
I push his shoulder a little and look into his eyes, Colby stops what he is doing and scoots his hand to mine. I look at it then at him.

Colby- "Oh sorry"

You- "it's cool"
I smile and blush a little he notices.
Colby- "Awww, you blushing"

You- "No, You are"
I look at his lips and laugh

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