Chapter 22

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(Hi! I had a little idea and decided to tell about the welcome party at the training camp, as a flashback. Hope you don't mind!)

~Time skip~
Sakusa's pov

It had been a week since the coach announced the upcoming training match with the Inarizaki team.

We were sitting on the bus, while I tried not to think about the annoying hours I would soon have to spend with the Miya twins (and in particular with Atsumu).

I groaned at the thought and closed my eyes.

'There are several schools in Japan that want to have a practice match against us. Why did the coach have to accept to play against this one?'

Evidently Komori didn't notice the annoyance in my face (or if he did he decided to ignore it), because he decided to approach me and talk about the last topic I wanted to hear at that moment.

"Kyoomi-san! (A/N: I don't know what Komori calls his cousin, sorry (- w -)) Have you heard the new rumors about Inarizaki yet?"

My eyes twitched when I heard that name.

"No, I haven't and I don't want to hear anything about it."

"Eh?? Aren't you interested?"
"Not really. I'm not interested in rumors and you should already know"

"I know, I know. But this isn't any rumor! I think you would be amused to hear it"

'Huh? Why should I be amused by something related to Miya's school?'

I raised an eyebrow and scoffed, looking away and acting disinterested.

And the reality wasn't that far away: in fact, I really didn't care what he had to say. But... I had to admit that deep down (really deep down), there was a very small amount of curiosity inside me.

I tried to hide that curiosity, but my cousin smirked, reading me like an open book and that made me even more annoyed.

"So? Hurry up. I want to get some sleep before we arrive and I know you won't leave me alone until you've spilled the tea".

"If you're interested, you should just say it~"

I glared at him and he immediately raised his hands in defense, not hiding his great satisfaction.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you! Well... There is a new student who has moved to that school and who has joined the volleyball club as a manager"

'Tsk. More germs'

"Ohh~ I heard about it too!", said one of my teammates from the seat behind ours, clearly overhearing the conversation.

"I was so shocked! This is the first time they've accepted a manager! And I felt he didn't even struggle to get into the club-"

"And? Why should I care?", I interrupted abruptly.

"Be patient, Kyoomi-san. You didn't even let me finish", he feigned a pout.

"As I was saying~ On the first day of school, this kid stole Miya's fan club without even realizing it".


I snickered behind my mask, trying not to make it too obvious under my cousin's gaze.

'I can't imagine the shocked face of the arrogant attention seeker (aka Miya Atsumu) when his fan club was stolen by a new kid. I'd pay to see that face. Was he offended? Indignant? Jealous?'

Komori seemed satisfied with my reaction. So I looked away, looking at the bus window.

'I have to admit this guy looks interesting... No Sakusa. He'll be full of germs like everyone else.'

~Time skip~

The bus stopped, signaling our arrival.

I mentally prepared and slowly took my things, getting off the bus and walking towards the entrance.

It didn't take long to discover, however, the futility of my mental preparation when the most annoying germ I know approached me, yelling.

"Omi-Omi! Yer finally here! Aren't ya happy to see me?", he said, giving a provocative smile.

"No. And stay away from me. You have too many germs".

"Ouch", he said with a hand on his chest, pretending to have been hurt by my words and trying to hide a smirk. "This really hurts".

"Let's just go"

"Yer not funny, Omi-Omi"

I passed him and entered the gym.

My eyes must have sparkled for a moment or something, because the provocative smirk on Atsumu's face quickly returned.

"Oya? Why that look? Maybe you were looking forward to our meeting and now that you are here you can't restrain your excitement?"

"Huh? Shut up. I'm not excited. Especially not for a match against you"

"Mhmm... Then why were your eyes sparkling?"
"They were not-"

"What's going on here?", I was interrupted by Komori.

'Splendid... Now there are two curious people ready to annoy me'

"I could swear I saw his eyes sparkle for a second after seeing the volleyball court, but he doesn't want to admit it"

Komori turned to look at the court with a surprised expression and narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out the cause.

"Tsk. I've already said that it was nothing. I was simply surprised because the gym is much cleaner than last time"

"Oh... OH that! It's all thanks to our cute new manager! At the end of each practice, he is always up late always cleaning and fixing everything"

"Ah? And does he clean it all by himself?"

"Yup! We've tried several times to help him, but every time we get immediately sent home, because according to him we need to rest after a hard work. He's a real angel and...", he started to ramble, with eyes full of... admiration?

"...My baby is fantastic, isn't he?-"

Osamu arrived suddenly, kicking his brother and joining our conversation.

"Ow! What was that for, 'Samu?!"
"Ya mean our, don't ya?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure... 'Our' baby", he said rolling his eyes.

Not long after, they started arguing, as the rest of their team approached us.

I thought their teammates would try to stop them as they usually do. However, to my surprise they didn't stop the fight, but joined in, fighting for the new boy and leaving me and Komori with a confused face.

'What's with everyone? What's going on here? Is the new kid that special?... Well... Not that I care, of course... *sigh* At least the gym is clean'.


Hello! How are you all?

It has been a long time since I opened wattpad and I haven't even seen the new comments. But I'll try to read them as soon as possible and stay a little more active. o(´・ェ・`)o

These two months, and this week in particular, have been really stressful.
(◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)

I haven't written anything in the past two months and it's midnight right now, so I hope what I wrote makes sense.

Sorry for the inactivity and hope you enjoyed the new chapter (If I have to tell the truth, I don't even remember the previous chapters that well anymore, lol. I'll have to read them again).

Bye! o(*^▽^*)o

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