Chapter 2

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~time skip~

It's been a month since that day and now I can walk again, even though I still can't run or strain my leg.
My teammates and my friends often came to visit me, but every time I felt like someone was missing... But who? I shrugged the feeling off and I took my luggages.
It's finally the day I move out of this town. I can't wait to see our new house!
"Shoyo, we have to go. Wait in the car with your sister. I'll go to see if we've got everything", my mom said. So I went to where my lil sis was sitting.


I was sleeping when I heard someone gently shakes my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw my mom watching me with a sweet smile.
My sister was jumping excitedly on her seat and my dad chuckled, seeing her.
I noticed that the car had stopped, I watched out of the car window and I saw a big, but simple house with a beautiful garden. My eyes started to sparkle at the view of our new home and a big smile spread across my face.
I immediately left my seat and I entered in the house with Natsu. We walked upstairs to decide where would be our bedrooms. Me and my sis chose our rooms and we entered in them to unpack our things.


As I was unpacking, a photo fell to the floor. I picked up that and observed it more closely.
I smiled sadly at the view of my old teammates. Although I had only attended that school for a month, I was already fond of all my classmates and my team.
I always wanted to go to Karasuno in order to attend the same school of the little giant, so I was very happy when I finally entered in my first year of high school two months ago... Then one month later I had to go to the hospital (even though I still don't know why).
My forehead frowned when I saw an unfamiliar figure next to me in the photo. 'Who is this?'
As soon as I thought that, my head started to hurt.
It stopped suddenly as soon as I was distracted by the sound of footsteps behind the door.
I observed the door slowly open and my dad come in.
"So... Do you like it?"
My face lit up and I responded brightly with a 'Yeah!'.
My dad smiled at me and told me to get some rest and that I could unpack the next day. So I did as he said.


The day after I did breakfast and continued to unpack. I finished fast because I had mostly done it the day before.
I wanted to visit the city, so I wrote a note for my mom to explain I was going out and I left the house. It was still early in the morning, so I didn't wake up my sister to come with me.
I explored the neighborhood and didn't see anyone. So I decided to go afterwards to greet the neighbors and instead go to visit the city for the moment.

The city was pretty big. So big you could've lost yourself at any moment... And maybe that was my case. I was lost.
I looked around to try to recognize something familiar, but I couldn't find anything.
I was too concentrated to notice that someone came closer to me. He tapped me on the shoulder and asked: "Hey kiddo, are you lost? Do you need help?"
I flinched for the sudden contact and ran away without thinking.

Unknown's POV~

I watched very confused the little kid escape from me. 'Did I do something wrong?'
"Hey, if you don't want to be left behind hurry up!" a voice caught my attention and interrupted my thoughts.
"I'm coming" I responded, then I went where my teammates were.


So... Who do you think the Unknown character's POV is?

I hope you liked this new chapter! I was thinking about adding in the third chapter a Sugamam- *coff coff* Sugawara's pov. What do you think about it?

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