Chapter 6

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Having bumped into someone, I braced myself for impact and closed my eyes, expecting to fall. After a few seconds I slowly opened one eye, confused, because I hadn't met the floor yet.

Kita's POV

I quickly grabbed the student, before he fell. He probably didn't notice the arm around his waist and the hand on his back, because he opened one of his eyes, obviously wondering why he hadn't fallen.

"You're not hurt, are you?" I asked a little worried and let him go.
"No, I'm fine, thank you! And sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going", he said bowing.
"Don't worry, it's also my fault. I didn't notice you."
I gave him a better look, but I couldn't recognize him.
"Are you a new student?"
"Yes, I am! This is my first day in this school"
"OH, welcome to our school then. I'm Kita Shinsuke, a thir year. Do you need help finding your class?"
"I'm Hinata Shoyou, nice to meet you. And yes, please! I'm completely lost and the lessons will start soon"

His first class was next to mine, so I offered him to come with me.

Along the way I explained something to him about this school and its rules.

After a few minutes we arrived.
"Thanks so much for your help, Kita-senpai!" he said with a smile that would put the sun to shame.
'If there's an angel in front of me, does that mean that I'm dying?... Wait a minute... Why am I saying such nonsense things? He's a human like me.
Calm down Kita. Why am I even panicking? I've never been nervous, not even when I played matches in the National Tournaments...
So what is this feeling?'

"Are you okay, Kita-senpai?" he interrupted my thoughts.
"Ah-h, y-yeah. Sorry, I got distracted" I said, drawing my attention back to him. "Anyway class will start soon, you should wait here for the teacher. I have to go now; tell me if you need something".

I looked at his beautiful hazel eyes and before I left, my hand moved by itself and patted his head. My lips curled a little and the few people that was still in the corridor observed the scene shocked.
"Did he just smiled?!" someone whispered, but I didn't pay attention to them.

I walked away and I looked down at my hand, perplexed by my own action.
'Why did I patted his head?... His hair is fluffy though, exactly like it looks... I don't know why but I want to touch it more and see him again'.

Hinata's POV

'Why did he pat my head?'
I shrugged the question and waited patiently for the teacher.

Someone was looking in shock in my direction and this made me feel anxious.

'What if they don't like me? What if they find me strange? '

I was panicking when I heard the bell ring. All the students entered in their classrooms, leaving me alone on the corridor.

Punctually the teacher arrived and looked at me.
"Are you the new student?", she asked me with a soft smile on her face.
"Yes, ma'am. My name is Hinata Shoyou."
"The principal told me about you. I'm the math teacher of this class. You can call me Kanae-sensei. If you need anything, I'll be on your complete disposal."
I nodded and smiled at her. 'She seems very nice'
"Now I'm gonna enter in the classroom. When I call you, please, come in."

She went into the classroom and suddenly all the students fell silent.

"Good morning guys. From today we'll have a new student, be nice with him."
The silence was broken by low whispers. Then the teacher told me: "You can come in now."

I walked in and all eyes were on me.
I gulped and walked over to the teacher.
"Hello everyone! I'm Hinata Shoyou. I hope we can be all friends. Please take care of me!" I introduced myself with a cheerful and bright smile and then I  bowed down.


Finally a bit of ✨Kitahina✨, ÙwÚ

Someone guessed that Kita was the one who bumped into Hinata, but nobody has guessed the unknown's POV of the second chapter yet. OwO

Obviously this is only the start and there will be more Kitahina moments.
I can't wait to write them, because this is also one of my favorite ships.
✨😆✨ (I have a lot of favorite ships, but Hinata is cute with literally everyone)

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