Maybe this isn't a bad day afterall [Akashi Seijuro x Reader]

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"Ughh!!" You sighed as you got out of bed and went downstairs after you cleaned up

"What's the matter (y/n)??" Your mother asked you ''oh nothing mom" you smiled ''just the worst day it is today" you smiled brightly ''ohh (Y/n) " she caressed your cheek

''Don't be so negative dear" she said and looked you straight in the eye, you sighed "I got it mom'" you smiled


Your just a normal middle school student who attends Teiko middle

Where the Generation of miracles study

Akashi Seijuro, the team captain, was your classmate and close friend

//Teiko Middle School//

Teiko Middle School was bustling with excitement . The students were laughing and shrieking , the female student's were already giving out chocolate's to their special someone

"(y/n)chii!!" Kise called out "what??" You turned around "aww, why the long face??" He asked as he reached you and pulled the sides of your mouth to make you smile

"Hahaha" you laughed and Kise joined you while still pulling the sides of your mouth

''Hahaha stop doing that" you said "got it ~suu " he stopped doing whatever he was doing "did you see Akashi??" You asked

"Didn't yet " he said and looked around

"Akashi-kun is over there " kuroko suddenly spoke "WOAH!!" You and kise jumped " since when were you there , kuroko??" You questioned " since the start" he answered with a blank face

"Uwaa" Kise said amused "Akashichii has many fangirls" he chuckled "like you "you said and then a bunch of Kise's fangirl's shrieked behind you three

"I see kuroko received many this year " you smiled at Kuroko , you just earned a nod from him

"But how long is Akashi going to be in there " you raised an eyebrow

When you three saw a girl being pushed to the ground "Hey!" You exclaimed , the three of you ran near the girl

"Are you okay??" Kuroko asked the girl nodded " what happend??" Kise asked

"W-well i was just passing by ..but one of the girls pushed me " she explained ,now that she mentioned it ; they are in the middle of the hallway where people pass by

You clenched your fist " Excuse me !!" You shouted , all the girls looked at you and Akashi also

"What is it??" A girl stepped forward who was so covered in make up " ugh" you , kuroko , and kise backed away for a bot with a disgusted face " (y/n) " Akashi called or more like whispered

"What??" She questioned and crossed her amrs " o-oh s-sorry..i was suprised of your blinding ugliness " you said "oh.." she said and hold her chest like she was hurt

"And what do you want?? Can you see i'm talking with my boyfie " she said " no i'm not your boyfriend " Akashi said

The girl just laughed " step aside" you said the girl raised an eyebrow " step aside, can't you see your in the middle of the hallway ?? People are passing by" you said

The other girls step aside except for miss slut over here

" so what??" She raised an eyebrow " don't show your face,,, it looks like i'm seeing a gorilla in the school " you said and walked away

And before that whispered something to Akashi "practice later on captain, oh ! And control your fangirls " you whispered " jealous are we " Akashi whispered back with a smirk

"As if" you stuck your tongue at him with a tint of pink on your cheeks

"Hey!!" The girl called out but you ignored her and continued walking away , she followed you


"Hey (h/c) girl!! "


" hey don't ignore me you ugl--" she was cutted off by your next move

Which made many people in the hallway suprised and looked at you two

You kicked the girl but she doged quickly and fell to the floor what suprised Akashi ,Kuroko, kise and the girl was that the wall that you hitted had a crack on it

"Sorry,,there was a cockroach" you said blankly and walked away ; the girl stunned stayed on the floor with fear building up in her

Akashi smirked at you


"What do you want to talk about?? " Akashi asked "control your fangirls Mr.Emperor" you said

"And why??" He raised an eyebrow ''i don't take orders from you " he added

"They're to flirty and is blocking the hallway !! For all i know you hate it too!! " you exclaimed

"of course , they annoy me " Akashi answered

''i even heard that some random girl asked you to be her boyfriend " you pouted

''yea , but i declined of course'' he smirked

''and why ?'' you raised an eyebrow at him

"I'm already eyeing someone " Akashi smiled

"Who ?" You looked at him

"Hahaha you of course " he laughed ; as you thought of what he said ; you turned crimson red

"...w-wha..wait...m-me??....uwehh??" You blurted out strange things , he chuckled

"You look pretty cute with your face all red " Akashi laughed

He kept on laughing , you got annoyed

You grabbed the shirt of his collor and pulled him to you

There you shut him up with a kiss

After a second you broke the kiss to catch your breath

"Y-your quite n-noisy...for an E-emperor" you flushed

Akashi was to suprised to say something , his face was red like his hair

You giggled " let's go to a coffee shop later after school , my Emperor " you smiled

Akashi fell into a smile and ran his fingers through your beautifulm long (h/c) hair

"Sure , why not , My Empress" Akashi said and entwined his hands with you

You thought

'Maybe this isn't a bad day afterall...'


Hai!! Sory if Akashi is ooc i'm really sorry!!...

Anyways !! Hope u like it ^-^

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