Nice to meet you [ Sawada Tsunayoshi x Reader ]

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|°• Sawada Tsunayoshi x Reader•°|


In the busy streets of Namimori , a female with (l/h) (h/c) adored with (e/c) eye's walked down the side walk wearing the Nami-chuu female uniform , smiling while making her way through the crowd


"HIEEE!!" A scream was heard all over the sawada residence , Sawada Tsunayoshi was rushing down the stairs while doing his tie

" Good morning Tsu-kun ! " Nana smiled as she saw her son enter the kitchen in a rush " good morning " Tsuna said and snatched a piece of toast " i'm going already " He said and ran out the house

Running to Namimori middle 


Running down the hallways , the soon to be Vongola Decimo panicked as he saw that he was late 5 minute's before the bell rings

Rounding a corner he bumped into somebody "ah ! " they collided , Tsuna saw (h/c) flowing into the wind "ah ! I'm gonna fall !! " He thought and shut his eye's close and waited for the cold hard floor to meet him , but at the right minute he felt someone grab his wrist and immediately stood him straight up

"Ah ! Sorry i wasn't looking at where i'm going ! " he heard a female voice say , his chocolate brown eye's flew open and met (e/c)  one's

"Amazing.." Tsuna thought as he stared at awe "umm.. you okay ? " She waved a hand infront of him , Tsuna snapped out from his daze "a-ah , n-no ! I'm sorry..i wasen't really paying attention at where i was going ! " Tsuna scracthed his cheek with a tint of pink "ehh..then the both of us made mistake's then " The girl giggled

Making Tsuna more flushed " see you later then " she smiled at Tsuna before walking away . Staring at her shrinking figure Tsuna wondered "is she a new student ? "  he asked himself
"And..." Tsuna looked at his hand , where the female grabbed him " a little while ago... i felt something strange when she held my wrist..." Tsuna mummbled before realzing that he has to go to Class

"Ah ! I'm gonna be late !!" The brunette exclaimed befor running to his classroom

Tsuna made his way into his classroom and just before the bell could ring

"Oh ! 10th ! " Gokudera gleemed as he saw Tsuna "ahahaha ! Good thing you got here before the bell could ring ! " Yamamoto laughed , Tsuna looked at his two friends with a smile " hahaha yea " he panted

"Go back to your seats" the teacher enetered , Tsuna immediately went to his seat and so did the others . " today we have a new student to meet " The teacher said before looking at the open door with a smile "you can come in now " he said

"Yes" Tsuna heard the person said , the voice was awefully familiar to him . Tsuna's chocolate brown eye's widen as the female from before entered the classroom , it was the same (h/c) hair with crystal (e/c) orb's scaning the whole place

"My name's (l/n) (f/n) i'm an exchange student from Italy " (f/n) smiled making the boys heart thump " Nice to meet you all " she giggled that made the boys fall in love moree

"Woah !! She's amazingly cute !! "

" She's beautiful !! she look's like a doll "

"I like her  hair !! "

" she has pretty eye's ! "

The boys and girl started , Tsuna on the other hand stared at her , Yamamoto was laughing and Gokudera looked like he wasen't interested

(F/n) noticed the brunette's stare at her , Tsuna noticing this blushed . Tilting her head a little to Tsuna , she smiled gleefully a bit of pink tinting her cheek

"Nice to meet you ~ "  Tsuna heard her say while smiling at him , Tsuna nodded " nice to meet you too " He chuckled and smiled back at the girl


I don't own Tsuna  he belongs to his creator

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